Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures)

GW Law Bulletin

The Bulletin is published online and is GW Law's single official set of degree requirements, regulations, and rules applicable to a student matriculating in a given academic year. It contains the following information:

It also contains other relevant consumer information that is easily searchable at the link above.

The ABA Standard 509 Information Report

The ABA Standard 509 Information Report (PDF) is applicable to a number of the requirements found below. The entering class profile can be found on our website. Links to the GW Law website are provided by each requirement set forth.

ABA Standard 509 Information Report Annotated with GW Law Links

As noted above, the Bulletin will also have information responsive to these requirements and is easily searchable.

ABA Standard 509 Information Report Required Disclosures

The ABA Standard 509 Information Report (PDF) is applicable to a number of the requirements found below.

(a) All information that a law school reports, publicizes or distributes shall be complete, accurate and not misleading to a reasonable law school student or applicant. A law school shall use due diligence in obtaining and verifying such information. Violations of these obligations may result in sanctions under Rule 16 of the Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools.

(b) A law school shall publicly disclose on its website, in the form and manner and for the time frame designated by the Council, the following information:

  1. Admissions Data | ABA Standard 509 Information Report (PDF)

  2. Tuition and Fees, Living Costs, and Financial Aid

  3. Conditional Scholarships

  4. Enrollment Data, Including Academic, Transfer, and Other Attrition (PDF)

  5. Number of Full-Time and Part-Time faculty, Professional Librarians, and Administrators | ABA Standard 509 Information Report (PDF)

Additional Information

(c) A law school shall publicly disclose on its website, in a readable and comprehensive manner, the following information on a current basis:

  1. Refund Policies
  2. Curricular Offerings, Academic Calendar, and Academic Requirements
  3. Policies regarding the transfer of credit earned at another institution of higher education. The law school's transfer of credit policies must include, at a minimum:

(d) A law school shall distribute the data required under Standard 509(b)(3) [PDF] to all applicants being offered conditional scholarships at the time the scholarship offer is extended.

GW Law School does not award scholarships that are conditional on law school academic performance, therefore we do not post an ABA Scholarship retention worksheet for years beginning in 2012.


(e) If a law school makes a public disclosure of its status as a law school approved by the Council, it shall do so accurately and shall include the name and contact information of the Council. 

The law school makes a public disclosure of its status as a law school approved by the Council.

Council Contact Information:

Council of the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar
321 N. Clark Street, 19th Floor
Chicago, IL 60654
Phone: 312.988.6738
Fax: 312.988.5681
[email protected]

Interpretation 509-1

Current curricular offerings, for the purposes of Standard 509(c), are only those courses offered in the current and past two academic years.

Interpretation 509-2

A law school may publicize or distribute information in addition to that required by this Standard, including, without limitation, the employment outcomes of its graduates, so long as such information complies with the requirements of subsection (a).

Interpretation 509-3

A conditional scholarship is any financial aid award, the retention of which is dependent upon the student maintaining a minimum grade point average or class standing, other than that ordinarily required to remain in good academic standing.

Interpretation 509-4

Articulation agreement means a formal written agreement between a law school and another accredited university or institution providing for the transfer of defined academic credits between the parties to the agreement.

The ABA Standard 510 on Student Complaints

(a) A law school shall establish, publish, and comply with policies addressing student complaints.

(b) A law school shall maintain a record of student complaints submitted during the most recent accreditation period. The record shall include the resolution of the complaints.

Interpretation 510-1

A "complaint" is a communication in writing that seeks to bring to the attention of the law school a significant problem that directly implicates the school's compliance with the Standards.

Interpretation 510-2

A law school's policies on student complains must address, at a minimum, procedures for filing and addressing complaints, appeal rights, if any, and timelines.

The George Washington University Law School (the "Law School") invites students to share any concerns they might have about the Law School's program of legal education as it relates directly to ABA Standards. Students having such a concern should submit their concern in writing to [email protected]. The complaint should explain how the matter directly implicates the Law School's program of legal education and its compliance with a specific, identified ABA Standard(s). Please ensure the complaint is sent from the student's @law e-mail account, identifies the ABA accreditation standard that is at issue, and is signed by the student.

The Associate Dean of Students, or the Associate Dean's designee will work with the appropriate administrator(s) to investigate the issue and if possible, to address the concern. The student who filed the complaint will be provided with a written update on the response within thirty (30) days of receipt of the complaint. A copy of the complaint shall be kept in The Office of the Dean of Students for a period of eight (8) years from the date of final resolution of the complaint.