Health Law and Policy Faculty

Faculty Directory

GW Law has an active and growing Health Law faculty, and the GW Health Law community also benefits from the many faculty at the GW’s Milken Institute School for Public Health.

Emily Benfer
Emily A. Benfer

Associate Professor of Clinical Law; Director of the Health Equity Policy & Advocacy Clinic

Professor Renée Gentry
Renée Gentry

Distinguished Professorial Lecturer in Law; Director, Vaccine Injury Litigation Clinic

Drake Hagner
Drake Hagner

Visiting Associate Professor of Clinical Law

Richard Hughes IV
Richard Hughes IV

Professorial Lecturer in Law

Portrait of Michael Kaplen
Michael Kaplen

Professorial Lecturer in Law

Craig Leen
Craig E. Leen

Professorial Lecturer in Law

Robert Leibenluft

Professorial Lecturer in Law

Susan C. Lynch
Susan Carney Lynch

Professorial Lecturer in Law

Portrait of Dayna Bowen Matthew
Dayna Bowen Matthew

Dean and Harold H. Greene Professor of Law

Marc S. Mayerson

Professorial Lecturer in Law

Barak Richman
Barak D. Richman

Alexander Hamilton Professor of Business Law

Laura S. Richman
Laura S. Richman

Associate Professor of Social Science and Health Law