About the Team

GW Staff

Alexis Feagans, Web Lead
[email protected]
Alexis oversees content for the main law school website along with other Drupal microsites such as Orientation, InatGW, InatGWLLM, Career Center, Commencement, and the Bulletin. 

Jamie L. Freedman, Director of Executive Leadership Communications
[email protected]
Jamie serves as the Dean's speechwriter and is editor-in-chief of GW Law Magazine.

Anna Gould, Digital Content Specialist
[email protected]
Anna oversees social media content and program newsletters.

Rachel Hamrick, Director of Strategic Communications and Marketing
[email protected]

Shannon Mitchell, Media Relations Specialist

Shannon handles media requests for GW Law.

Karen Outen, Associate Director for Publications & Marketing
202.994.3891 | [email protected]
Karen manages the production of marketing materials, such as brochures, postcards, direct mail, advertising, and email campaigns, to support and publicize law school programs and events.

GW Office of Communications and Marketing