Immigration Clinic

In this clinic, students represent clients from around the world on immigration law matters, including removal proceedings and petitions for affirmative asylum, before federal administrative tribunals. While taking responsibility for all aspects of client representation, students may also engage in community legal education and draft comments on proposed federal regulations in immigration matters. Students develop an array of skills, including interviewing and counseling clients, fact-gathering, problem-solving, cultural awareness, witness preparation, negotiation, written and oral advocacy, and policy analysis. Class discussions focus on case rounds, skills development and analysis of the immigration process.

Under the supervision of clinic director Professor Alberto Benítez and legal associate Paulina Vera, students handle a variety of immigration law matters including representing noncitizens, writing comments to proposed federal regulations, and disseminating information to the public.

Contact Us

The George Washington University Law School
Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics
Immigration Clinic
2000 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20052


Alberto Benítez
Paulina Vera



Information for Prospective Clients

Client Eligibility Requirements

The clinic accepts removal cases scheduled in the Sterling, Annandale and Hyattsville Immigration Courts and affirmative asylum cases. It does not accept cases scheduled in the Baltimore Immigration Court. The clinic only accepts clients with the following types of cases:

  • Asylum cases (filed in removal proceedings or with USCIS for Asylum Office Interviews)
  • Deportation or removal proceedings in the Immigration Court at Sterling, Annandale and Hyattsville, Maryland, including cases involving cancellation of removal, TPS, criminal issues

Required Documentation and Information

Potential clients should be prepared to provide the following information over the phone:

  • The date & place of next hearing
  • The charge of removability/inadmissibility listed on their Notice to Appear
  • The basic details of their case

Potential clients should be prepared to provide the following documents at an intake interview:

  • Notice to Appear
  • Notice of Hearing
  • Relevant personal documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates
  • Criminal documents, if relevant

Immigration Clinic Intake Schedule

The Immigration Clinic interviews potential clients through phone intake.

For more information, potential clients should call 202.994.7463 and ask for the Immigration Clinic intake schedule.

Our office has a minimum 24 hour cancellation policy. Please contact our office 24 business hours in advance if you need to change your appointment. Failure to comply with this policy may result in withdrawal of legal representation.


Frequently Asked Questions for Prospective Clients

Q: What costs do I have to pay if I am a client of the Immigration Clinic?

A: If you become a client of the immigration clinic, you do not have to pay attorneys fees. However, you are responsible for any filing fee or other costs that may incur during the course of your case. 

Q: I am not fluent in English, how can I communicate with the Immigration Clinic? 

A: The Immigration Clinic provides professional translators and interpreters at no cost to the client. We accommodate all languages, including ASL.

Q: Will the government of my home country know I spoke to the Immigration Clinic about my potential case for asylum?

A: No. The immigration clinic, and its attorneys, are prohibited from disclosing client information to anyone. 

Q: Can other members of my family, or anyone else, sit in with me in my interviews with the attorneys at the Immigration Clinic? 

A: No. Due to confidentiality reasons the only people allowed during client interviews are the client, his/her attorney, and an interpreter, if needed.

Q: I have already filled out applications for my case, and do not want the Immigration Clinic to represent me. Is it possible for the Immigration Clinic to just review my applications to make sure that they are correct? 

A: No. We do not provide review services. 

Links & Resources

Government Resources

Other Resources

Student Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for admission, students must:

  • Have completed Immigration Law 6538.
    • Students cannot take Immigration Law I and the Immigration Clinic at the same time.
  • Take the Clinic for six credits.
  • Be able to complete all clinic work in the clinic building.
  • Attend a two-hour clinic seminar weekly.
  • Be prepared to carry out duties in a professional manner.
  • For more information, please log in to the Portal.
  • A complete set of application instructions is posted one month prior to the registration period for the next semester.

Factors that will render a student ineligible: Working a paid job during the semester (other than a position as the clinical program’s student director or as a research assistant for a GW Law professor).

Factors that may render a student ineligible at the Clinic Director’s discretion: Having time constraints during the semester, including but not limited to journals, unpaid internships, excessively demanding courses, extensive job interviews, and joint degree responsibilities.


More Information

June 14, 2024 - "I cannot believe my eyes! ... I will never forget GW Immigration Clinic's help with my asylum application!" Immigration Clinic client J-S- said this upon receiving his grant of asylum from USCIS. J-S- is a bisexual man from Iran, who lived in secrecy most of his life for fear that the government would arrest or harm him if his sexuality was discovered. He came to the United States to study and described his life here as "completely different" than that in Iran. He realized he could not go back to a life of secrecy and decided to apply for asylum with the help of the Immigration Clinic. J-S- filed his asylum application on April 7, 2022 and was interviewed on November 9, 2022. The Arlington Asylum Office granted the application on June 6, 2024 and we received it at our office on June 14, 2024. Please join me and Professor Vera in congratulating Jose Hernandez, Ian Lam, and Cristiana Barno who worked on the case.

March 29, 2024 - "Muchas pero muchas gracias por todo lo que han hecho por nosotras. Estamos muy pero muy felices." On August 6, 2019, L-C- and her daughter, S-C-, arrived in the US L-C- was seeking safety after she began to receive threats, was followed, and experienced a break-in at her home, all due to her public work in Colombia to get FARC members to reintegrate into civil society. She and her daughter were interviewed by the Arlington Asylum Office on November 7, 2021 and finally received their grant of asylum on March 29, 2024. Upon hearing about the grant of asylum, L-C- said, "Muchas pero muchas gracias por todo lo que han hecho por nosotras. Estamos muy pero muy felices", which translates to "Thank you, thank you so much for everything you've done for us. We are very, very happy." Please join me and Professor Vera in congratulating all of the students that have worked on this case over the years, including Jasmine Elmasry, Sanaa Khan, Olivia Russo, Alex Chen, Mark Rook, Ella Tamami, Cristiana Barno, and Julia Addison.

February 29, 2024 - On September 17th, 2015, M-A-A- and her then teenage daughter, K-A-A- arrived in the US. On January 11th, 2018, M-A-A- and K-A-A- were granted asylum at the Arlington Immigration Court with the assistance of the Immigration Clinic. On February 29th, 2024, M-A-A-'s four remaining children, ages 28, 18, 15, and 12, finally arrived in the US to be reunited with their mom and sister after over eight years of being separated. The road to get them here was marked with much back and forth with the US and Honduran governments (including an all-day trip to the Honduran consulate) but it was all worth it in the end. Please join me and Professor Vera in congratulating all the students who worked on the case over the years, including Gisela Kusakawa, Lea Aoun, Kennady Peek, Julia Yang, Ella Tamami, Charlie Lautenbach, Cornelia Waugh, and Cristiana Barno.

December 14, 2023 - On March 19, 2013, Immigration Clinic client, R-I-, had her first master calendar hearing. On December 14, 2023, she was finally granted asylum by IJ Matthew Gordon of the Sterling Immigration Court. R-I- was in removal proceedings for over a decade because her hearings were rescheduled by the court on four occasions. R-I- is a Coptic Christian from Egypt, who faced repeated discrimination, sexual harassment, and threats as a child and young woman, due to her religion. She lived her life there in hiding, rarely leaving her home for years. Now that she is in the United States, R-I- has expressed that she feels free to practice her religion and do things like walk down the street in peace. When asked at her hearing what her religion meant to her, she described it like "hav[ing] a manual to go to when you're stuck." Please join me and Professor Vera in congratulating everyone who worked on this case over the years - Emma Brown, Kelly Rojas, Daniel Tortolero, Andrew Durand, Andrew Atallah, Jengeih Tamba, Maley Sullivan, Ami Patel, Sam (Xinyuan) Li, Clare Carroll, Jeremy Patton, Erin Stevens, and Jonathan Bialosky. A special congratulations to Victoria Grimm, JD '24, who handled the last two hearings, including one after the end of the semester. IJ Gordon commented twice on her "great" and "poised" performance.

I-A- was granted asylum with the help of the Immigration Clinic in 2022. “I believe he is the first student we've ever admitted who was a client of one of our clinics. I-A- left his home country and, through the hard work of Profs. Benitez and Vera, he was granted asylum. He applied to GW Law, was waitlisted, and came back with a stronger, better application. As we were walking, he shared with me what a full circle moment this one was for him--I told him this was just the beginning and it would be even more of a full circle when he became a student attorney for one of our clinics.” - GW Law Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid, Sophia Sim.

More Client Victories

Dean Matthew, Gabriela Soto Cotto, Professor Benítez and Professor Vera, all smiling in their caps and gowns
Pictured is Gabriela Soto Cotto, the 2024 recipient of the Manuel and Ana María Benítez Award for Clinical Excellence in Immigration Law.

The Immigration Clinic is highly respected by the Office of the Immigration Judge and the various other federal immigration agencies, and for good reason. Clinic students win their cases. The clinic’s record is particularly enviable because noncitizens typically come here after being rejected by other lawyers or organizations. The clinic’s specialty is the “tough” case that requires novel and creative lawyering. Clinic students have won cases involving hot-button issues like female genital mutilation, sexual orientation, torture, and HIV-status. Clinic students have also obtained freedom from detention for noncitizens. Winning for clients is the clinic’s greatest recognition.

In addition to holding a record of excellence, the clinic was honored to receive the 2000 Human Rights Award from the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). GW Law was the first, and so far only, law school clinical program to receive this or any AILA award.

In 2005, the clinic was also privileged to receive the Johnson Award from the Hispanic Bar Association of the District of Columbia for exhibiting "unwavering commitment and achievement in public service and dedication to the principles of equality, cultural respect, and social justice."

In 2023, Lawyers of Color (LoC) featured legal associate Paulina Vera as an honoree in its inaugural Wonderful Women list. This list “recognizes dynamic women attorneys working in law firms, companies, and government agencies across the US who show promise in their careers and demonstrate a strong commitment to advancing diversity in the legal profession.”

The Immigration Clinic was ranked #11 in Law Street's 2016 Top Schools for Immigration Law Programs.

The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) awarded clinic director Professor Alberto Benítez the 2024 Elmer Fried Excellence in Teaching Award. Those who nominated clinic director Professor Alberto Benítez highlighted in their letters “his dedication, his kindness, his desire to help them become better practitioners, and his guidance to always remember that immigration law is about people.”

Portrait of Alex Chen
Alexandra 'Alex' Chen, the 2022 recipient of the Manuel and Ana Maria Benitez Award for Clinical Excellence in Immigration Law.

Manuel and Ana Maria Benítez Award

The Manuel and Ana Maria Benítez Award for Clinical Excellence in Immigration Law is given to a member of the graduating Juris Doctor class who has demonstrated extraordinary ability in his or her work in the Immigration Clinic, and who possesses the personal qualities of Manuel and Ana Maria Benítez - both immigrants to the United States from Mexico - including initiative, creativity, zeal, loyalty, and integrity.

Previous Award Winners

  • 2024: Gabriela Soto Cotto
  • 2023: Spoorthi Datla
  • 2022: Alexandra Chen
  • 2021: Fayruz Lama
  • 2020: Halima Saidia Ismail Nur
  • 2019: Allison Mateo
  • 2018: Julia Navarro
  • 2017: Celina Marquez
  • 2016: Sameen Ahmadnia
  • 2015: Paulina Vera
  • 2014: Carly Sessions
  • 2013: Emma Brown
  • 2012: Naushad Reza
  • 2011: Ioulia Maslikova
  • 2010: Amisha Patel
  • 2009: Alicía Gonzalez 
  • 2008: Shelley Sackel
  • 2007: Jordi De Llano
  • 2006: Betina Calderón
  • 2005: Manuela Hernandez

Gabriela Soto Cotto: My name is Gabriela Soto Cotto, JD ‘24, and I was a Student Attorney at the GW Law Immigration Clinic during the Fall 2024 semester, as a 3L. I joined the Immigration Clinic because I wanted to have a real and measurable impact. I was driven by my passion for advocacy and my commitment to access to justice. In the Immigration Clinic, I found an amazing opportunity to not only develop my skills and become a better lawyer and advocate, but also give back to the community and make a difference in the lives of immigrants facing complex legal challenges. I think one of the most important lessons I learned is the value of combining legal expertise with genuine human connection and empathy. Additionally, I came to understand that the US immigration law system is heavily flawed. As advocates, it is our responsibility to stand up for what's right, diligently represent our clients, and maintain a balance between assertiveness and respect when the government gets it wrong. My time at the Immigration Clinic was a turning point in my law school journey and I'm grateful for having discovered a field of law I am passionate about. I hope to continue building on the advocacy skills I gained during my time at the clinic while always holding on to the human aspect of the law and ensuring that my work impacts lives for the good.

José Hernández: My name is José Hernández, JD ’22, and I participated in the Immigration Clinic during my last semester. I grew up in Puerto Rico and I moved from there for the first time when I started in law school. At first, I had no idea what kind of law I was interested in, but eventually I started to develop an interest in immigration law. However, it was thanks to my experience in the clinic, along with the mentoring of Prof. Benítez and Prof. Vera, that I confirmed what kind of law I wanted to pursue upon graduation. The clinic allowed me to experience first-hand what it was to be a lawyer, and by that I mean not only helping people in court but, as advocates of the law, how we can have an impact outside the court too by, for example, engaging in the process of making the law or educating others about the law. Upon licensure, I will be putting the skills I learned in the Clinic by working with the law office of José Pertierra, an immigration law firm that works with different areas of immigration law.

Fayruz Lama: My name is Fayruz Lama, JD ‘21, and I participated in the Immigration Clinic in my 3L spring semester. Coming from an immigrant family, I am passionate about the work of the Immigration Clinic. I knew I wanted to be a part of it, but I did not expect it to be as great of an experience as it was. Being able to work as a student-attorney was one of the most formative experiences in law school. Under Professor Benitez and Professor Vera’s support and guidance, I learned how to be a true advocate for our immigrant community and was given the tools for success in complex immigration issues. I worked directly with clients’ asylum claims before USCIS and the immigration court, learned how to perform intakes for potential clients, and worked on a letter to Congress regarding immigration reform. Professor Benitez, Professor Vera, and the Clinic taught me practical skills for real-life immigration lawyering. I look forward to applying those skills to a successful future in immigration law.

Sam Phipps: My name is Sam Phipps (JD '21) and I participated in the Immigration Clinic during my 3L spring semester. I came to law school knowing I wanted to practice immigration law, after having a wonderful experience working with immigrant communities in Texas through an AmeriCorps program. GW Law's several other immigration-related courses thoroughly grounded me in the fundamentals of the field, and the clinic then showed me how to use that knowledge to make a real difference in a person's life. Despite the pandemic, I was able to represent a man at his naturalization interview, file petitions for immigrants located both here and abroad, and even write a letter to Congress urging reform of the immigration courts, all under the expert tutelage of Professors Benítez and Vera. Upon licensure, I will put the lawyering skills I gained through the clinic to good use by representing unaccompanied children at the southern border with ProBAR, a project of the American Bar Association.

Elizabeth Barnes In Memoriam