Kieff, F. Scott

GW Law Faculty Publications

December 2, 2021

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(With John M. Golden, Pauline Newman & Henry E. Smith.) Principles of Patent Law: Cases and Materials. 7th ed. New York: Foundation Press, New York 2018.
     Fourth edition published in 2008.
     Fifth edition published in 2011.
     Sixth Edition with Herbert F. Schwartz, et al. published in 2013.

(With Abramowicz, Michael, and James E. Daily.) Perspectives on Patentable Subject Matter. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 

(With Daily, James E., and Arthur E. Wilmarth.) Perspectives on Financing Innovation. New York: Routledge, 2014. 

(With Paredes, Troy A.) Perspectives on Commercializing Innovation. Cambridge [UK]; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 

(With Nack, Ralph.) International, United States and European Intellectual Property: Selected Source Material. 2nd ed. New York : Aspen/Wolters-Kluwer, 2010.
     First edition published in 2006.

(With Paredes, Troy A.) Perspectives on Corporate Governance. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 

Perspectives on Properties of the Human Genome Project. Boston : Elsevier/Academic Press, 2003. 


(With Lawrence A. Cunningham et al.) The SEC’s Misguided Climate Disclosure Rule Proposal, Banking & Fin. Servs. Pol’y Rep., Oct. 2022, at 1.

(With Thomas D. Grant.) Behavioural Economics and ISDS Reform: A Response to Maria Laura Marceddu and Pietro Ortolani, 33 Eur. J. Int’l L. 473 (2022).

(With Thomas D. Grant.) Appointing Arbitrators: Tenure, Public Confidence, and a Middle Road for ISDS Reform, 43 Mich. J. Int’l L. 171 (2022).

(With Thomas D. Grant.) China's Sanctions and Rule of Law: How to Respond When China Targets Lawyers, 55 Int’l Law. 167 (2022).

Lessons for Today's Fields of Intellectual Property and Trade from Epstein's Insights About Private Law and History, 50 J. Legal Stud. S111 (2021).

(With Thomas D. Grant.)  Great Powers and New Risks:  What Businesses and Regulators Should Know About China’s Strategic Ambitions, 65 Orbis 257 (2021).

Business, Risk & China’s MCF:  Modest Tools of Financial Regulation for a Time of Great Power Competition, 88 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1281 (2020).

Private Antitrust at the U.S. International Trade Commission, 14 J. Comp. L. & Econ. 46 (2018).

Pragmatism, Perspectives, and Trade: AD/CVD, Patents, and Antitrust as Mostly Private Law, 30 Harv. J.L. & Tech. 97 (2017).

(With Daily, James E.) "Benefits of Patent Jury Trials for Commercializing Innovation," 21 George Mason Law Review 865-886 (2014).

(With Daily, James E.) "Anything under the Sun Made by Humans: Patent Law Doctrines as Endogenous Institutions for Commercializing Innovation," 62 Emory Law Journal 967-981 (2013).

(With Anne Layne-Farrar.) Incentive Effects from Different Approaches to Holdup Mitigation Surrounding Patent Remedies and Standard-Setting Organizations, 9 J. Competition L. & Econ. 1091 (2013).

"Intellectual property and the Antitrust," in Competition Policy and Patent Law Under Uncertainty, p. 416-442. Edited by Geoffrey A. Manne and Joshua D. Wright. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.

(With Epstein, Richard.) "Questioning the Frequency and Wisdom of Compulsory Licensing for Pharmaceutical Patents," 78 University of Chicago Law Review 71-93 (2011).

"Removing Property from Intellectual and (Intended?) Pernicious Impacts on Innovation and Competition," 19 Supreme Court Economic Review 25-50 (2011).

"An Inconvenient School of Thought, A Review: Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law," 61 Alabama Law Review 591-596 (2010).

"Economic Perils of U.S. Patent Reform: Flexibility's Achilles Heel," in Patents and Technological Progress in a Globalized World: Liber Amicorum Joseph Straus, p. 793-810. Edited by Wolrad Prinz zu Waldeck und Pyrmont, Martin J. Adelman, Robert Brauneis, Josef Drexel, and Ralph Nack. Berlin : Springer, 2009.

(With Smith, Henry E.) "How Not to Invent a Patent Crisis," in Reacting to the Spending Spree: Policy Changes We Can Afford. Edited by Terry Anderson & Richard Sousa. Stanford, CA : Hoover Press, 2009.

(With Kramer, Robert G., and Robert M. Kunstadt.) "It's Your Turn, But It's My Move: Intellectual Property Protection for Sports 'Moves,'" (Symposium Review. Shifting Strategies in Patent Law: How the ITC, Non-Practicing Entities, and Inequitable Conduct Are Changing the Patent Arena) 25 Santa Clara Computer & High Technology Law Journal 765-785 (2009).

"The Case for Preferring Patent-Validity Litigation Over Second-Window Review and Gold-Plated Patents: When One Size Doesn't Fit All, How Could Two Do the Trick," 157 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1937-1963 (2009).

"Quanta v. LG Electronics: Frustrating Patent Deals by Taking Contracting Options Off the Table," 2007-2008 Cato Supreme Court Review 315-330.

"On the Economics of Patent Law and Policy," in Patent Law and Theory: A Handbook of Contemporary Research. Edited by Toshiko Takenaka. Northampton, MA : Edgar Elgar, 2008.

(With Haber, Stephen H., and Troy A. Paredes.) "On the Importance to Economic Success of Property Rights in Finance and Innovation," 26 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 215-243 (2008).

"Should the Music Stop for iTunes," IP Law & Business 27-28 (July 2008).

(With Paredes, Troy.) "Engineering a Deal: Toward a Private Ordering Solution to the Anticommons Problem," 48 Boston College Law Review 111-148 (2007).

"On Coordinating Transactions in Information: A Response to Smith's Delineating Entitlements in Information," 117 Yale Law Journal Pocket Part (Oct. 10, 2007),

"Coordination, Property & Intellectual Property: An Unconventional Approach to Anticompetitive Effects & Downstream Access," 56 Emory Law Journal 327-438 (2006).

"Smart Pills: IP Isn't the Issue," IP Law & Business 36-38 (Oct. 2008).

"IP Transactions: On the Theory & Practice of Commercializing Innovation," 42 Houston Law Review 727-758 (2005).

(With Paredes, Troy.) "An Approach to Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, and Corporate Control," 82 Washington University Law Quarterly 1313-1339 (2004).

"Contrived Conflicts: The Supreme Court vs. the Basics of Intellectual Property Law," 30 William Mitchell Law Review 1717-1732 (2004).

(With Paredes, Troy.) "The Basics Matter: At the Periphery of Intellectual Property," 73 George Washington Law Review 174-204 (2004).

Also published as Chapt. 9 in Developments in the Economics of Copyright, edited by Lisa N. Takeyama, Wendy J. Gordon, and Ruth Towse. Northhampton, MA : Edgar Elgar (2005).

"The Case for Registering Patents and the Law and Economics of Present Patent-Obtaining Rules," 45 Boston College Law Review 55-123 (2003).

"Patents for Environmentalists," 9 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 307-319 (2002).
     Reprinted in 8 Engage 106 (2007).

"Facilitating Scientific Research: Intellectual Property Rights and the Norms of Science: A Response to Rai & Eisenberg," 95 Northwestern University Law Review 691-705 (2001).

(With Misrock, S. Leslie.) "Latent Cures for Patent Pathology: Do Our Civil Juries Promote Science and the Useful Arts," at The Crisis of Science and the Law International Symposium, The George Washington University Center for History of Recent Science (Sept. 19, 1996), in Chisum, Donald S., et al., Principles of Patent Law: Cases and Materials, p. 1024-1038. 2nd ed. New York : Foundation Press, 2001.
     First published in Chisum, Donald S., et al., Principles of Patent Law: Cases and Materials, 1st ed. New York : Foundation Press, 1996.

"Property Rights and Property Rules for Commercializing Inventions," 85 Minnesota Law Review 697-754 (2001).


"An Inconvenient School of Thought." Review of Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law, by Michael Carrier. 61 Alabama Law Review 591-596 (2010).

Review of Grace Periods and the European and International Patent Law, by Joseph Straus. 34 IIC: International Review of Industrial Property & Copyright 3470-348 (2003).
     Also published in 4 Engage 160 (2003).


(With Thomas D. Grant.) Behavioural Economics and ISDS Reform: A Response to Marceddu and Ortolani, Eur. J. Int’l L. (Forthcoming 2022).

(With Epstein, Richard A.) "Questioning the Frequency and Wisdom of Compulsory Licensing for Pharmaceutical Patents," The University of Chicago, The Law School: John M. Olin Law & Economics Research Paper Series, No. 527 and New York University School of Law: Law & Economics Research Paper Series, No. 10-48 (Aug. 20, 2010; rev. June 3, 2011),

(With Burson, Charles.) "Keept Patent Bill Tabled," National Law Journal, June 2, 2008.

"Let the Markets Regulate Microsoft," (Mar. 11, 2008). Also published as "Windows of Opportunity," 3 Hoover Digest (2008).

"On the Comparative: Institutional Economics of Intellectual Property in Biotechnology," Meredith Memorial Lectures, Faculty of Law, McGill University. [Montreal] : Les Editions Yvon Blais/Thomson Reuters, 2007.

"With Haber, Stephen, and Troy Paredes.) "Just Say No: Because Strong Patents Advance Science, Calls in the US for Expanded Research Use Exemption Must Be Rejected," Intellectual Asset Management 25 (Oct./Nov. 2007).

(With Haber, Stephen, and Troy Paredes.) "Patent Reform Legislation: No Final Cut for Examiners," National Law Journal, May 14, 2007.

"How Patents Can Help Those Interested in the Environment and World Health," 8 Engage 106 (2007).

(With Paredes, Troy A., and R. Polk Wagner.) Brief for Various Law Professors as Amici Curiae Supporting Respondent, Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 128 S. Ct. 2109, 170 L. Ed. 2d 996 (2008).

"A Keiretsu Approach to Patents," Intellectual Asset Management 51 (Feb./Mar. 2007). Also available at "Patent Power," 3 Hoover Digest (2007).

(With Haber, Stephen, and Troy Paredes.) Op-Ed, "EU Antitrust Nonsense: Microsoft Comes Under Fire," Washington Times, Oct. 5, 2007, at A19.

(With Haber, Stephen H., and Troy A. Paredes.) "Microsoft's European Experience Troubling for U.S. Companies," Opinion, San Jose Mercury News, Mar. 15, 2007.

(With Caulfield, Timothy, Robert M. Cook-Deegan, and John P. Walsh.) "Evidence and Anecdotes: An Analysis of Human Gene Patenting Controversies, 24 Nature Biotech 1091 (2006).

(With Catropia, Chris, Gregory Mandel, Mark Lemley and R. Polk Wagner.) Brief for Business & Law Professors as Amici Curiae Supporting Respondent, KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 550 U.S. 398 (2007).

(With Wagner, R. Polk.) "Testing Patent Protections," Op-Ed., Washington Times, May 30, 2006.

(With Epstein, Richard, David Teece and R. Polk Wagner.) Brief for Various Law & Economics Professors as Amici Curiae Supporting Respondent, eBay Inc. v. Merexchange, L.L.C. 547 U.S. 388 (2006).

"Public Choice, Patents, and the FTC: Comments on the Commission's October 2003 Report on the Interface between Patents and Antitrust," 5 Engage 77 (2004).

(With Mossinghoff, Gerald J.) "A Reemergence of Regulation at the Interface between Patents and Antitrust," 4 Engage 97 (2003).

"Transcript of Testimony before United States Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice Antitrust Division Joint Hearings on Competition and Intellectual Property (April 10, 2002): Patenting Procedures, Presumptions, and Uncertainties".

"Comments Regarding Competition and Intellectual Property: Summary of Proposed Testimony, " submitted to the United States Federal Trade Commission on December 20, 2001.

"The Treatment of Know-How in International R&D Cooperation: The United States of America," in The Treatment of Know-How in International R&D Cooperations. Edited by Peter Ganea and Nina Klunker. Munich : Munich Intellectual Property Law Center, [2000].

(With Deehr, M. Scott.) "Accessibility and the Appellate Brief," Directory of Interscholastic Moot Court Competitions, 11th ed. Washington, D.C. : Moot Court Board, National Law Center, George Washington University, 1999.

(With Miller, Charles, and Bart van den Broek.) "Executive Order Allows PTO Action Arbitration: ADR Can Resolve Civil Claims by Private Parties Against the PTO," National Law Journal, Jan. 27, 1997, at C18.

(With Kunstadt, Robert M., and Robert G. Kramer.) "It's Your Turn But It's My Move: Intellectual Property Protection for Sports Moves," National Law Journal, May 20, 1996, at C1-C5.

(With Sadoff, Ben, Sharon Heath-Pagliuso, Irene Castano, Yingfan Zhu and Michael F. Christman.) "Isolation of Mutants of S. Cerevisiae Requiring DNA Topoisomerase," 141 Genetics 465-479 (1995).