Naomi Schoenbaum

Naomi Schoenbaum

Naomi Schoenbaum

William Wallace Kirkpatrick Dean’s Research Professor of Law


2000 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20052

Naomi Schoenbaum is the William Wallace Kirkpatrick Dean’s Research Professor of Law whose primary interests are employment law, antidiscrimination law, and gender and the law. Professor Schoenbaum’s research contains three main strands. She studies law at the juncture of employment and family, looking at the legal regulation of subjects such as geographic mobility, workplace relationships, and the sharing economy. Professor Schoenbaum also studies the law of sex equality, including the legal implications of new conceptions of sex and the law’s failure to unsex biological phenomena, such as pregnancy and breastfeeding. Finally, Professor Schoenbaum’s work considers the design of employment discrimination law, with current work addressing the problem of hiring discrimination. Her scholarship has appeared in the Alabama Law Review, Columbia Law Review, Minnesota Law Review, Wisconsin Law Review, and Yale Law Journal Forum, among other journals. She has also written for popular publications such as The New Republic, The Atlantic, and Slate.

Professor Schoenbaum is a graduate of Harvard Law School, where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Journal of Law & Gender and worked on a study of gender at Harvard Law School, and of Yale University, where she edited Aurora magazine. In addition to serving on the law faculty at GW, Professor Schoenbaum has been the Samuel Williston Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, a Bigelow Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School, a law clerk to the Honorable Karen Nelson Moore of the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and a Women’s Law and Public Policy Fellow at the National Partnership for Women and Families.