Kovacic, William E.

GW Law Faculty Publications

January 16, 2022

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(With Robert D. Anderson & Alison Jones.) Combatting Corruption and Collusion in Public Procurement: A Challenge for Governments Worldwide (Oxford Univ. Press, 2024).

Great Antitrust Enforcers: Lessons from Regulators (Institute of Competition L., 2023).

(With Andrew I. Gavil et al.)  Antitrust Law in Perspective: Cases, Concepts and Problems in Competition Policy (4th ed. 2022).
     First edition published in 2002.
     Second edition published in 2008.
     Third edition published in 2017.

(With Paulo Burnier da Silveira.)  Global Competition Enforcement: New Players, New Challenges (2019).

(With Cyril Lin Bian Zhu & Derek Morris Bian Zhu.)  Yi Jing Zheng Cu Zeng Zhang: Guo Ji Shi Jiao [Accelerating China’s Growth by Strengthening Competition] (2017).

(With van Rompuy, Ben.) Economic Efficiency: The Sole Concern of Modern Antitrust Policy?: Non-Efficiency Considerations under Article 101 TFEU. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2012. 

Evolution of U.S. Antitrust Enforcement. Northhampton, ME: Edward Elgar, 2011. 

The Federal Trade Commission at 100: Into Our 2nd Century (2009).

(With Gellhorn, Ernest and Stephen Calkins.) Antitrust Law and Economics in a Nutshell. 5th ed. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 2004.
    Fourth edition published in 1994.

(With William A.W. Nielson.)  Advisory Report on Approaches to Competition Policy in Vietnam (1997).

United Nations Dev. Program, Advisory Report on the Development of Consumer Protection Law in Vietnam (1997).

(With Ben Slay.)  U.S. Agency for Int’l Dev., Recommended Guidelines for Implementing Georgia’s Antimonopoly and Consumer Protection Laws (1997).

Evaluating the Competitive Effects of Defense Industry Mergers on Research and Development. Washington, DC: Federal Legal Publications, 1996. 

The Choice of Forum in Bid Protest Disputes. Washington, DC: Administrative Conference of the United States, 1995 

(with Feinstein, Richard and Patrick Sheller). Antitrust Analysis and Defense Industry Consolidation. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association, Section of Public Contract Law, 1994. 

(With Anthony Davis et al.)  Study of Monopolies and Competition Policy in Zimbabwe: Final Report of the Zimbabwe Monopolies Commission Study (1992).

(with Sullivan, E. Thomas, et al.). Nonprice Predation under Section 2 of the Sherman Act. Monograph No. 18. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law, 1991. 

The Antitrust Government Contracts Handbook. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law, 1990. 

A Basic Antitrust Compliance Manual for the Moving and Storage Industry. 1987. 

(with Heckmeyer, Steven, et al.). Coping with a Mature Product in a Changing Industry: White Paper of the National Task Force on the Yellow Pages Industry. 1987. 

(with Blumenthal, William, et al.). Horizontal Mergers: Law and Policy. Monograph No. 12 Chicago, IL: American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law, 1986. 


Antitrust, Transformation, and Enduring Policy Change, 49 J. Corp. L. 321 (2024).

Building a Better U.S. Competition Policy Corridor, 85 Antitrust L.J. 217 (2023).

Leading a Competition Agency, Concurrences, No. 4-2023.

Introduction, in Innovation Paradox in Merger Control V (Concurrences: Antitrust Publ’ns & Events, 2023) (with Gönenç Gürkaynak & Frédéric Jenny).

Policy Hubs and the Formation of Economic Regulatory Norms, in The Oxford Handbook of Institutions of International Economic Governance and Market Regulation (Eric Brousseau et al. eds., Oxford University Press, 2023).

Competition Policy in the European Union and the United States: Convergence or Divergence?, in Laws of International Trade § 153 (Thomson Reuters, 2023).

(With Robert C. Marshall & Michael J. Meurer.) Cartel Issues in Plain Sight, 11 J. Antitrust Enf’t 215 (2023).

The Durability of the Biden Administration's Competition Policy Reforms, 29 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 945 (2022).

(With David A. Hyman.) Regulating Big Tech: Lessons from the FTC's Do Not Call Rule, Va. J.L. & Tech., Summer 2022, at 1.

Robert D. Anderson, William E. Kovacic & Antonella Salgueiro, Competition Policy in Relation to Public Procurement: An Essential Element of the Policy Framework for Addressing COVID-19, in Public Procurement in (a) Crisis?: Global Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic 199 (Sue Arrowsmith, Christopher Yukins et al. eds., 2021).

Root and Branch Reconstruction: The Modern Transformation of U.S. Antitrust Law and Policy?, Antitrust, Summer 2021, at 46.

Norms that Promote Long-Term Institutional Improvement in the Face of Leadership and Regime Changes, Douglas H. Ginsburg:  An Antitrust Professor on the Bench (Nicolas Charbit & Thomas Moretto eds., 2021).

The Future Adaptation of the Per Se Rule of Illegality in U.S. Antitrust Law, 2021 Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 33.

(With Robert C. Marshall & Michael J. Meurer.) Patents and Price Fixing by Serial Colluders, 10 N.Y.U. J. Intell. Prop. & Ent. L. 152 (2021).

Keeping Score: Improving the Positive Foundations for Antitrust Policy, 23 U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 49 (2020).

(With Robert D. Anderson et al.)  Competition Policy and the Global Economy: Current Developments and Issues for Reflection, 88 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1421 (2020).

(With David A. Hyman.)  State Enforcement in a Polycentric World, 2019 BYU L. Rev. 1447.

Competition Policy Retrospective: The Formation of the United Launch Alliance and the Ascent of SpaceX, 27 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 863 (2020).

Market Structure and Market Studies, in Competition Law and Economics: Developments, Policies and Enforcement Trends in the US and Korea 30 (Jay Pil Choi et al. eds., 2020).

(With Justin Stewart-Teitelbaum et al.)  Antitrust’s Implementation Blind Side: Challenges to Major Expansion of U.S. Competition Policy, 65 Antitrust Bull. 227 (2020).

Antitrust’s Implementation Blind Side: Challenges to Major Expansion of U.S. Competition Policy, 65 Antitrust Bull. 227 (2020).

(With Robert D. Anderson & Alison Jones.)  Preventing Corruption, Supplier Collusion, and the Corrosion of Civic Trust: A Procompetitive Program to Improve the Effectiveness and Legitimacy of Public Procurement, 26 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 1233 (2019).

The Chicago Obsession in the Interpretation of US Antitrust History, 87 U. Chi. L. Rev. 459 (2020).

A Formula One Approach to Understanding Competition Law System Performance, in Reconciling Efficiency and Equity: A Global Challenge for Competition Policy 312 (Damien Gerard & Ioannis Lianos eds., 2019).

(With Paulo Burnier da Silveira.)  Global Competition Enforcement: What’s Ahead?, in Global Competition Enforcement:  New Players, New Challenges 321 (Paulo Burnier da Silveira & William Evan Kovacic eds., 2019).

(With David A. Hyman.)  Implementing Privacy Policy: Who Should Do What?, 29 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 1117 (2019).

“Competition Policy in its Broadest Sense”: Michael Pertschuk’s Chairmanship of the Federal Trade Commission 1977-1981, 60 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1269 (2019).

(With Robert C. Marshall & Michael J. Meurer.)  Serial Collusion by Multi-Product Firms, 6 J. Antitrust Enforcement 296 (2018).

(With David A. Hyman.)  Be a Shame if Anything Happened to Your Merger, Regulation, Fall 2018, at 22.

Academic Hubs and the Intellectual Infrastructure of Economic Regulation, in The Contribution of the Postal and Delivery Sector: Between E-Commerce and E-Substitution 1 (Pier Luigi Parcu, Timothy Brennan & Victor Glass eds., 2018).

(With David A. Hyman.)  Risky Business: Should the FDA Pay Attention to Pharmaceutical Prices?, 11 N.Y.U. J. L. & Liberty 754 (2017).

Competition Policy and State-Owned Enterprises in China, 16 World Trade Rev. 693 (2017).

(With David A. Hyman.) Health Care Competition Law in the Shadow of State Action: Minimizing MACS, 48 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 757 (2017).

(With Alison Jones.)  Identifying Anticompetitive Agreements in the United States and the European Union: Developing a Coherent Antitrust Analytical Framework, 62 Antitrust Bull. 254 (2017).

(With Robert D. Anderson.)  Promoting Competition and Deterring Corruption in Public Procurement Markets: Synergies with Trade Liberalisation, 26 Pub. Procurement L. Rev. 77 (2017).

Competition Lifecycles in Latin America, in Competition Law in Latin America:  A Practical Guide 7 (Julian Pena & Marcelo Calliari eds., 2016).

(With Marianela Lopez-Galdos.)  Lifecycles of Competition Systems: Explaining Variation in the Implementation of New Regimes, 79 L. & Contemp. Prob., no. 4, 2016, at 85.

(With David A. Hyman.) Regulatory Leveraging: Problem or Solution?, 23 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 1163 (2016).

(With David A. Hyman.) Consume or Invest:  What Do/Should Agency Leaders Maximize?, 91 Wash. L. Rev. 295 (2016).

(With Mario Marinello.) The E15 Initiative:  Strengthening the Global Trade and Investment System for Sustainable Development, Competition Agency Design in Globalised Industries (World Economic Forum Feb. 2016).

(With Robert Anderson & Anna Caroline Mueller.) The E15 Initiative:  Strengthening the Global Trade and Investment System for Sustainable Development, Promoting Competition and Deterring Corruption in Public Procurement Markets:  Synergies and Trade Liberalisation (World Economic Forum Feb. 2016).

Individual Sanctions for Competition Law Infringements, Pros, Cons and Challenges: Criminal Enforcement of Competition Law, Concurrences Rev., No. 2-2016, at 33.

The United States and Its Future Influence on Global Competition Policy, 22 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 1157 (2015).

(With David A. Hyman.) Can't Anyone Here Play This Game? Judging the FTC's Critics, 83 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1948 (2015).

"A Case for Capping the Dosage: Leniency and Competition Authority Governance," in Anti-Cartel Enforcement in a Contemporary Age: Leniency Religion, p. 123-135. Ed. by Caron Beaton-Wells and Christopher Tran. Oxford: Hart Pub., 2015.

"Antitrust in Context: Creating Historical Awareness for Competition Agencies," 60 Antitrust Bulletin 83-85 (2015).

(With Hyman, David A.) "Can't Anyone Here Play This Game? Judging the FTC's Critics," 83 The George Washington Law Review 1948-1978 (2015).

"China's Competition Law Experience in Context," 2015 Journal of Antitrust Enforcement no. 3 (Supp. 1), i2-i11.

"Creating a Respected Brand: How Regulatory Agencies Signal Quality," 22 George Mason Law Review 237-258 (2015).

"The Federal Trade Commission as an Independent Agency: Autonomy, Legitimacy, and Effectiveness," 100 Iowa Law Review 2085-2113 (2015).

"The Federal Trade Commission as Convenor: Developing Regulatory Policy Norms Without Litigation or Rulemaking," 13 Colorado Technology Law Journal 17-30 (2015).

(With Mavroidis, Petros C., and Damien J. Neven.) "Merger Control Procedures and Institutions: A Comparison of EU and U.S. Practice," 59 Antitrust Bulletin 55-109 (2014).

"Out of Control? Robert Bork's Portrayal of the U.S. Antitrust System in the 1970s," 79 Antitrust Law Journal 855-880 (2014).

"Politics and Partisanship in U.S. Federal Antitrust Enforcement," 79 Antitrust Law Journal 687-711 (2014).

(With Hyman, David A.) "Why Who Does What Matters: Governmental Design and Agency Performance," 82 George Washington Law Review 1446-1516 (2014).

Current Developments in the Treatment of Intellectual Property in the U.S. Competition System, in China Institute of International Antitrust & Investment § 33 (2013).

"From Microsoft to Google: Intellectual Property, High Technology, and the Reorientation of U.S. Competition Policy and Practice," 23 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal 645-654 (2013).

(With Hyman, David A.) "Institutional Design, Agency Life Cycle, and the Goals of Competition Law," 81 Fordham Law Review 2163-2174 (2013).

Distinguished Essay: Good Agency Practice and the Implementation of Competition Law, 2013 European Y.B. Int’l Econ. L. 3.

International Convergence: Assessing the Quality of Horizontal Merger Enforcement, in European Competition Law Annual 2010: Merger Control in European and Global Perspectives 253 (Philip Lowe & Mel Marquis eds., 2013).

(With Marc Winerman.) Learned Hand, Alcoa, and the Reluctant Application of the Sherman Act, 79 Antitrust L.J. 295 (2013).

(With Jenny, Frederic, et al.) "Antitrust Fact-Finding in Judicial and Administrative Proceedings," in Annual Proceedings of the Fordham Competition Law Institute: International Antitrust Law & Policy. Huntington, NY: Juris Pub., 2012.

(With Katharina Plath.) United Nations Conference on Trade and Dev., Voluntary Peer Review of Competition Law and Policy: Ukraine (2013).

(With Fernando Magalhaes Furlan.)  United Nations Conference on Trade and Dev., Voluntary Peer Review of Competition Law and Policy: Pakistan (2013).

(With David A. Hyman.)  Competition Agencies with Complex Policy Portfolios: Divide or Conquer?, Concurrences No. 1-2013."Antitrust in High-Tech Industries: Improving the Federal Antitrust Joint Venture," 19 George Mason Law Review 1097-1118 (2012).

"Behavioral Economics and Its Meaning for Antitrust Agency Decision Making," 8 Journal of Law, Economics & Policy 779-800 (2012).

(With Hollman, Hugh M., and Andrew S. Robertson.) "Building Global Antitrust Standards: The ICN's Practicable Approach," in Research Handbook on International Competition Law. Ed. by Ariel Ezrachi. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2012.

"From Activity to Accomplishment: Competition Law and Performance Measurement," 27 Antitrust 75 (2012).

"HSR at 35: The Early US Premerger Notification Experience and Its Meaning for New Systems of Competition Law," in New Competition Jurisdictions: Shaping Policies and Building Institutions. Ed. by Richard Whish and Christopher Townley. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2012.

"Politics, Hyper-Partisanship, and Regulatory Agency Leadership," 10 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 363-368 (2012).

(With David Lewis.)  United Nations Conference on Trade and Dev., Voluntary Peer Review of Competition Law and Policy: Armenia (2012).

(With David A. Hyman.)  Competition Agency Design: What’s on the Menu?, 8 European Competition J. 527 (2012).

Standard Oil Co. v. United States and Its Influence on the Conception of Competition Policy, 11 Competition L.J. 89 (2012).

(With James C. Cooper.)  Behavioral Economics: Implications for Regulatory Behavior, 41 J. Reg. Econ. 41 (2012).

General Overview, in Competition Law in the BRICS Countries 315 (Vassily Rudomino, Jose Ragazzini & Adrian Emch eds., 2012).

Improving the Institutions of U.S. Federal Antitrust Enforcement, Mlex Mag, Apr./June 2012, at 42.

(With Anderson, Robert D., and Anna Caroline Muller.) "Ensuring Integrity and Competition in Public Procurement Markets: A Dual Challenge for Good Governance," in National Seminar on the Revised WTO Agreement on Government Procurement: Basic Documentation, Chap. III:2. [Geneva]: World Trade Organization, 2011.

"Intellectual Property Policy and Competition Policy," 66 New York University Annual Survey of American law 421-434 (2011).

(With Marshall, Robert C., Leslie M. Marx and Halbert L. White.) "Plus Factors and Agreement in Antitrust Law," 110 Michigan Law Review 393-436 (2011).

“Criminal Enforcement Norms in Competition Policy: Insights from US Experience” in Criminalising Cartels: Critical Studies of an International Regulatory Movement, p. 45-73. Edited by Caron Beaton-Wells and Ariel Ezrachi. Oxford; Portland, OR: Hart, 2011.

(With Hollman, Hugh M.) "The International Competition Network: Its Past, Current and Future Role," 20 Minnesota Journal of International Law 274-323 (2011).

"The Role of Economic Analysis in Competition Law," in Intellectual Property, Competition Law and Economics in Asia, p. 23-33. Edited by R. Ian McEwin. Oxford; Portland, OR: Hart Pub., 2011.

(With Hugh M. Hollman & Patricia Grant.)  How Does Your Competition Agency Measure Up?, 7 European Competition J. 25 (2011).

(With Winerman, Marc.) "The William Humphrey and Abram Myers Years: The FTC from 1925 to 1929," 77 Antitrust Law Journal 701-747 (2011).

US Antitrust Policy: The Underperforming Federal Joint Venture, Concurrences, No. 4-2011, at 65.

Competition Agencies, Independence, and the Political Process, in Competition Policy and the Economic Approach 291 (Josef Drexl, Wolfgang Kerber & Rupprecht Podszun eds., 2011).

(With Robert D. Anderson & Anna Caroline Müeller.)  Ensuring Integrity and Competition in Public Procurement Markets: A Dual Challenge for Good Governance, in The WTO Regime on Government Procurement: Challenge and Reform 681 (Sue Arrowsmith & Robert D. Anderson eds., 2011).

A Regulator’s Perspective on Getting the Balance Right, in Intellectual Property, Competition Law and Economics in Asia 23 (R. Ian McEwin ed., 2011).

Private Rights of Action and the Enforcement of Public Competition Laws, in Current Developments in European and International Competition Law 421 (Carl Baudenbacher ed., 2011).

Tackling Cartels: Lessons for Making and Entrenching Reform, in Delivering Policy Reform: Anchoring Significant Reforms in Turbulent Times 123 (Evert A. Lindquist, Sam Vincent & John Wanna eds., 2011).

(With Hugh M. Hollman.)  The International Competition Network: Its Past, Current and Future Role, in The International Competition Network at Ten: Origins, Accomplishments and Aspirations 51 (Paul Lugard ed., 2011).

(With Winerman, Marc.) "Competition Policy and the Application of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act," (Symposium: Issues at the Forefront of Monopolization and Abuse of Dominance) 76 Antitrust Law Journal 929-950 (2010).

(With Winerman, Marc.) "Outpost Years for a Start-Up Agency: The FTC from 1921-1925," 77 Antitrust Law Journal 145-203 (2010).

"Panel III: Antitrust and the Obama Administration: U.S. Convergence with International Competition Norms: Antitrust Law and Public Restraints on Competition," (Antitrust Conference in Honor of Joseph Brodley.) 90 Boston University Law Review 1555-1610 (2010).

"The Digital Broadband Migration and the Federal Trade Commission: Building the Competition and Consumer Protection Agency of the Future," 8 Journal of Telecommunications & High Technology Law 1-24 (2010).

Convergence and Divergence in the EU and US Competition Policy, in Changes in Competition Policy Over the Last Two Decades 469 (Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel ed., 2010).

Plea Bargaining and the Enforcement of Competition Law Against Cartels in the United States, in European Competition Law Annual 2008: Antitrust Settlements under EC Competition Law 349 (Claus-Dieter Ehlermann & Mel Marquis eds., 2010).

"Rating the Competition Agencies: What Constitutes Good Performance," (Symposium: Antitrust Policy in the New Administration) 16 George Mason Law Review 903-926 (2009).

(With Randal D. Heeb et al.)  Cartels as Two-Stage Mechanisms: Implications for the Analysis of Dominant-Firm Conduct, 10 Chi. J. Int’l L. 213 (2009).

(With Robert C. Marshall et al.)  Quantitative Analysis of Coordinated Effects, 76 Antitrust L.J. 397 (2009).

(With Robert D. Anderson.)  Competition Policy and International Trade Liberalisation: Essential Complements to Ensure Good Performance in Public Procurement Markets, 18 Pub. Procurement L. Rev. 67 (2009).

"Competition Policy, Consumer Protection, and Economic Disadvantage," (Access to Justice: The Social Responsibility of Lawyers). 25 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 101-118 (2007).

Competition Policy in the European Union and the United States: Convergence or Divergence?, in Competition Policy in the EU: Fifty Years on from the Treaty of Rome 314 (Xavier Vives ed., 2009).

Assessing the Quality of Competition Policy: The Case of Horizontal Merger Enforcement, 5 Competition Pol’y Int’l 129 (2009).

Competition Policy Research and Development, Institutional Interdependency, and the Future Work of Competition Agencies in the Professions, in European Competition Law Annual 2004: The Relationship Between Competition Law and the (Liberal) Professions 547 (Claus-Dieter Ehlermann & Isabela Atanasiu eds., 2006).

U.S. Antitrust Policy and Public Restraints on Business Rivalry, in 1 Issues in Competition Law and Policy 209 (2008).

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA), in Internationales Kartell- und Fusionskontrollverfahrensrecht 1197 (Jӧrg Philipp Terhechte ed., 2008).

Lucky Trip? Perspectives from a Foreign Advisor on Competition Policy, Development and Technical Assistance, 3 European Competition J. 319 (2007).

The Intellectual DNA of Modern U.S. Competition Law for Dominant Firm Conduct: The Chicago/Harvard Double Helix, 2007 Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 1.

The Importance of History to the Design of Competition Policy Strategy: The Federal Trade Commission and Intellectual Property Law, 30 Seattle U. L. Rev. 319 (2007).

(With Robert C. Marshall et al.)  Lessons for Competition Policy from the Vitamins Cartel, in The Political Economy of Antitrust 149 (Vivek Ghosal & Johan Stennek eds., 2007).

Bounties as Inducements to Identify Cartels, in European Competition Law Annual 2006: Enforcement of Prohibition of Cartels 571 (Claus-Dieter Ehlermann & Isabela Atanasiu eds., 2007).

An Integrated Competition Policy to Deter and Defeat Cartels, 51 Antitrust Bull. 813 (2006).

Using Ex Post Evaluations to Improve the Performance of Competition Policy Authorities, 31 J. Corp. L. 503 (2006).
     Reprinted in Using Ex Post Evaluations to Improve the Performance of Competition Policy Authorities, in Taiwan 2009 International Conference on Competition Law/Policies: Creating a New Order for Competition in Response to Industrial Restructuring 43 (Taiwan Fair Trade Commission 2010).

Competition Policy and Cartels: The Design of Remedies, in Criminalization of Competition Law Enforcement: Economic and Legal Implications for the EU Member States 41 (Katalin J. Cseres, Maarten-Pieter Schinkel & Floris O.W. Vogelaar eds., 2006).

(With Robert C. Marshall et al.)  Bidding Rings and the Design of Anti-Collusive Measures for Auctions and Procurements, in Handbook of Procurement 381 (Nicola Dimitri, Gustavo Piga & Giancarlo Spagnolo eds. 2006).

The Role of Non-Litigation Strategies: Advocacy, Reports and Studies as Instruments of Competition Policy, in Handbook of Research in Trans-Atlantic Antitrust 541 (Philip Marsden ed., 2006).

Antitrust in the O’Connor/Rehnquist Era:  A View from Inside the Supreme Court, Antitrust, Summer 2006, at 21.

Achieving Better Practices in the Design of Competition Policy Institutions, 50 Antitrust Bull. 511 (2005).

Measuring What Matters: The Federal Trade Commission and Investments in Competition Policy Research and Development, 72 Antitrust L.J. 861 (2005).

Bounties as Inducements to Identify Cartels, 5 Current Competition Law 689 (2005).

Achieving Better Practices in the Design of Competition Policy Institutions, in On the Merits: Current Issues in Competition Law and Policy 195 (Paul Lugard, Leigh Hancher & Peter Plompen eds., 2005).

Competition Policy Cooperation and the Pursuit of Better Practices, in The Future of Transatlantic Economic Relations: Continuity Amid Discord 65 (David M. Andrews, Mark A. Pollack, Gregory C. Shaffer & Helen Wallace eds., 2005).

(With Reindl, Andreas P.)  "An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improving Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Policy." 28 Fordham International Law Journal 1062-1090 (2005).

Private Participation in the Enforcement of Public Competition Laws, in 2 Current Competition Law 167 (Mads Andenas, Michael Hutchings & Philip Marsden eds., 2004).

(With David A. Hyman.)  Perspective: Monopoly, Monopsony, and Market Definition: An Antitrust Perspective on Market Concentration Among Health Insurers, Health Aff., Nov./Dec. 2004, at 25.

Toward a Domestic Competition Network, in Competition Laws in Conflict: Antitrust Jurisdiction in the Global Economy 316 (Richard Allen Epstein & Michael S. Greve eds., 2004).

The Modern Evolution of U.S. Competition Policy Enforcement Norms, 71 Antitrust L.J. 377 (2003).

Extraterritoriality, Institutions, and Convergence in International Competition Policy, 97 Am. Soc’y Int’l L. Proc. 309 (2003).

Economic Regulation and the Courts 1982 to 2001: Ten Cases That Made a Difference, 21 J. Reg. Econ. 23 (2002).

Panel Discussion: Antitrust on the Pacific Rim, in 2002 Fordham Corp. L. Inst. 521.

Panel Discussion: Administrative Antitrust Authorities, Adjudicative and Administrative Functions, in 2002 Fordham Corp. L. Inst. 411.

(With Cynthia L. Clement et al.)  Competition Policies for Growth: Legal and Regulatory Framework for Sub-Saharan Countries (2001).

(With Joe Sims et al.)  The State of Federal Antitrust Enforcement 2001: Report of the Task Force on the Federal Antitrust Agencies (2001).

Antitrust After Microsoft: Upgrading Public Competition Policy Institutions for the New Economy, 32 UWLA L. Rev. 51 (2001).

Developing Competition Policy in Transition Economies:  Milestones in 2000, Int’l Antitrust Bull., Spring 2001, at 40.

Panel Discussion: Mergers and Acquisitions, in 2001 Fordham Corp. L. Inst. 219.

"Evaluating Antitrust Experiments: Using ex post Assessments of Government Enforcement Decisions to Inform Competition Policy." 9 George Mason Law Review 843-861 (2001).

"Institutional Foundations for Economic Legal Reform in Transition Economies: The Case of Competition Policy and Antitrust Enforcement." 77 Chicago-Kent Law Review 265-315 (2001).

"Private Monitoring and Antitrust Enforcement: Paying Informants to Reveal Cartels." 69 George Washington Law Review 766-797 (2001).

"The Significance of the Microsoft Litigation for Postal Service Operators." in Future Directions in Postal Reform, edited by Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 2001.

"Transatlantic Turbulence: The Boeing-McDonnell Douglas Merger and International Competition Policy." 68 Antitrust Law Journal 805-873 (2001).

Competition Policy in the Caribbean:  First Steps Toward a Regional Solution, Int’l Antitrust Bull., Fall/Winter 2000, at 46.

Antitrust and Competition Policy in Transition Economies: A Preliminary Assessment, in International Antitrust Law & Policy 513 (Barry E. Hawk, ed. 2000).

(With Carl Shapiro.)  Antitrust Policy: A Century of Economic and Legal Thinking, J. Econ. Persp., Winter 2000, at 43.

"Holding Legislators Accountable for their Regulatory Promises." 2000 Law Review of Michigan State University - Detroit College of Law 9-15 (2000).

"Lessons of Competition Policy Reform in Transition Economies for U.S. Antitrust Policy." 74 St. John's Law Review 361-405 (2000).

The U.S. Government Sues Microsoft, in The American Annual 1999, at 167 (1999).

The New Indonesian Competition Law, Int’l Antitrust Bull., Summer 1999, at 35.

Capitalism, Socialism, and Competition Policy in Vietnam, Antitrust, Summer 1999, at 57.

Panel Discussion: Antitrust in Transition Economies, in 1999 Fordham Corp. L. Inst. 563.

"Competition Policy in the Postconsolidation Defense Industry." 44 Antitrust Bulletin 421 (1999).

"Designing Antitrust Remedies for Dominant Firm Misconduct." 31 Connecticut Law Review 1285-1319 (1999).

"The Crusade against Monopolists: Federal Antitrust Authorities are Jousting with Giant Corporations in a Sudden Reversal of the Government's Noninterventionist Policy." 6 Corporate Counsel no. 5, p. 44 (June 1999).

The Civil False Claims Act as a Deterrent to Participation in Government Procurement Markets, 6 Sup. Ct. Econ. Rev. 201 (1998).

Institutional Innovations in Competition Policy in Peru:  INDECOPI After Five Years, Int’ Antitrust Bull., Summer 1998, at 34.

"Evaluating the Effects of Procurement Reform." 33 The Procurement Lawyer no. 2, p.1 (Winter 1998).

"Law, Economics, and the Reinvention of Public Administration: Using Relational Agreements to Reduce the Cost of Procurement Regulation and other Forms of Government Intervention in the Economy." 50 Administrative Law Review 141-156 (1998).

"Merger Enforcement in Transition: Antitrust Controls on Acquisitions in Emerging Economies." 66 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1071-1112 (1998).

"Perilous Beginnings: The Establishment of Antimonopoly and Consumer Protection Programs in the Republic of Georgia." 43 Antitrust Bulletin 15-43 (1998).

"Administrative Adjudication and the Use of New Economic Analysis Approaches in Antitrust Analysis." 5 George Mason Law Review 313-346 (1997).

"Antitrust Decisionmaking and the Supreme Court: Perspectives from Thurgood Marshall Papers." 42 Antitrust Bulletin 93-114 (1997).

"Antitrust Policy and Horizontal Collusion in the 21st Century." 9 Loyola Consumer Reporter 97 (1997).

(With Boner, Roger A.). "Antitrust Policy in Ukraine." 31 George Washington Journal of International Law & Economics 1-48 (1997).

"Comments on a Paper by Robert Cooter." in Economic Dimensions in International Law 317, edited by Jagdeep S. Bhandari & Alan O. Sykes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

"Competition Policy Analysis of Joint Ventures and Teaming Arrangements by Government Agencies and the Courts." in Subcontracting, Teaming and Partnering in the Age of Consolidation and Cooperation. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association, Section of Public Contract Law, 1997.

"Creating Competition Policy: Betty Bock and the Development of Antitrust Institutions." 66 Antitrust Law Journal 231-245 (1997).

"Getting Started: Creating New Competition Policy Institutions in Transition Economics." 23 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 403-453 (1997).

"Predatory Pricing Standards and Competition in Postal Areas." in Diffusion of New Regulatory Approaches to Postal Services 67, edited by Ulrich Stumpf and Monica Plum. Bad Honnif: Wissenschaftliches Institut feur Kommunikationsdienste, 1997.

"The Quality of Appointments and the Capability of the Federal Trade Commission." 49 Administrative Law Review 915 (1997).

(with Thorpe, Robert S.). "Antitrust and the Evolution of a Market Economy in Mongolia." in De-Monopolization and Competition Policy in Post-Communist Economies 89, edited by Ben Slay. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996.

Overview: Public Utility Policymaking in Transition, Pub. Utilities L. Anthology, Jan.-June 1996.

"Commissions, Courts and the Access Pricing Problem." in Pricing and Regulatory Innovations under Increasing Competition 53, edited by Michael A. Crew. Boston: Kluwer, 1996.

"Downsizing Antitrust: Is it Time to End Dual Federal Enforcement?" 41 Antitrust Bulletin 505-540 (1996).

"The Competition Policy Entrepreneur and Law Reform in Formerly Communist and Socialist Countries." 11 American University Journal of International Law & Policy 437-474 (1996).

"Whistleblower Bounty Lawsuits as Monitoring Devices in Government Contracting." 29 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1799-1857 (1996).

"Accounting for Regulation in Determining the Application of Antitrust Rules to Firms Subject to Public Utility Oversight." 40 Antitrust Bulletin 483-499 (1995).

"Designing and Implementing Competition and Consumer Protection Reforms in Transitional Economies: Perspectives from Mongolia, Nepal, Ukraine, and Zimbabwe." 44 DePaul Law Review 1197-1224 (1995).

(with Graham, Neil E.). "Determining Constraints on Pricing." in The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing 360, edited by Thomas T. Nagle and Reed K. Holden. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.

"Expanded Antitrust Scrutiny Requires Greater Caution." 30 The Procurement Lawyer no. 3, p. 23 (Spring, 1995).

"Post-Appointment Preference Shaping and its Influence on Judicial Analysis of Economic Regulation Issues." in Commercialization of Postal and Delivery Services: National and International Perspectives 93, edited by Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 1995

"Procurement Reform and the Choice of Forum in Bid Protest Disputes." 9 Administrative Law Journal of the American University 461-513 (1995).

"Public Choice and the Origins of Antitrust Policy." in The Causes and Consequences of Antitrust: The Public Choice Perspective 243, edited by Fred S. McChesney and William F. Shughart III. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.

"The Application of Legal Safeguards against Predation to the Postal Service Industry." in Commercialization of Postal and Delivery Services: National and International Perspectives 45, edited by Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 1995.

"Competition Policy, Rivalries, and Defense Industry Consolidation." 8 Journal of Economic Perspectives 91 (1994).

(with Larson, Alex and Douglas Mudd). "Competitive Access Issues and Telecommunications Regulatory Policy." 20 Journal of Contemporary Law 419-477 (1994).

"The Changing Equilibrium of Antitrust Policy." in II The Antitrust Impulse: An Economic, Historical and Legal Analysis 575, edited by Theodore P. Kovaleff. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994.

"The Law and Economics of Privacy: Applications to Regulated Industries." in Incentive Regulation for Public Utilities 113, edited by Michael A. Crew. Boston: Kluwer, 1994.

"Comment: Perennial Gales and the International Mail." in Regulation and the Nature of Postal and Delivery Services 217, edited by Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer. Boston: Kluwer, 1993.

"Judicial Appointments and the Future of Antitrust Policy." 7 Antitrust 8 (Spring 1993).

"The Identification and Proof of Horizontal Agreements under the Antitrust Laws." 38 Antitrust Bulletin 5-81 (1993).

"Competition Policy, Economic Development, and Transition to Free Markets in the Third World: The Case of Zimbabwe." 61 Antitrust Law Journal 253-265 (1992).

"The Antitrust Law and Economics of Essential Facilities in Public Utility Regulation." in Economic Innovations in Public Utility Regulation 1, edited by Michael A. Crew. Boston: Kluwer, 1992.

"The Effect of Government Involvement." in Antitrust Law Developments (Third) 963-1016. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association, 1992.

"The Influence of Economics on Antitrust Law." 30 Economic Inquiry 294 (1992).

(With DeSanti, Susan S.). "Matsushita: Its Construction and Application by the Lower Courts." 59 Antitrust Law Journal 609-653 (1991).

"Blue Ribbon Defense Commissions: The Acquisition of Major Weapons Systems." in Arms, Policy, and the Economy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 61, edited by Robert Higgs. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1990.

"Commitment in Regulation: Defense Contracting and Extensions to Price Caps." 3 Journal of Regulatory Economics 219-240 (1991).

"Merger Policy in a Declining Defense Industry." 36 Antitrust Bulletin 543-592 (1991).

"Reagan's Judicial Appointees and Antitrust in the 1990's." 60 Fordham Law Review 49-124 (1991).

"Regulatory Controls as Barriers to Entry in Government Procurement." 25 Policy Sciences 29 (1991).

"The Reagan Judiciary and Environmental Policy: The Impact of Appointments to the Federal Courts of Appeals." 18 Boston College Environmental Law Review 669-713 (1991).

"Antitrust Analysis of Joint Ventures and Teaming Arrangements involving Government Contractors." 58 Antitrust Law Journal 1059-1115 (1990).

"Antitrust and Competitiveness: Is Legislation to Exempt Production Joint Ventures Necessary?" in Proceedings of the New York State Bar Association Antitrust Law Symposium 66 (Jan. 16, 1990).

"Comments and Observations on the Sherman Act: The First Century." 59 Antitrust Law Journal 119-130 (1990).

"Government Support for Research and Development." in The Shrinking Industrial Base: Restructuring the Defense Industry and Ensuring American Competitiveness for the 1990's. (Annual Meeting Program, American Bar Association, Section of Public Contract Law, August 1990).

(With Larson, Alex). "Predatory Pricing Safeguards in Telecommunications Regulation: Removing Impediments to Competition." 35 St. Louis University Law Journal 1-38 (1990).

"The Antitrust Paradox Revisited: Robert Bork and the Transformation of Modern Antitrust Policy." 36 Wayne Law Review 1413-1471 (1990).

"The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Public Regulation of the Weapons Acquisition Process." in Arms, Policy, and the Economy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 104, edited by Robert Higgs. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1990.

"Congress and the Federal Trade Commission." 57 Antitrust Law Journal 869-905 (1989).

"Failed Expectations: The Troubled Past and Uncertain Future of the Sherman Act as a Tool for Deconcentration." 74 Iowa Law Review 1105-1130 (1989).

"Federal Antitrust Enforcement in the Reagan Administration: Two Cheers for the Disappearance of the Large Firm Defendant in Nonmerger Cases." 12 Research in Law & Economics 173-206 (1989).

(With Burnett, William B.). "Reform of United States Weapons Acquisition Policy: Competition, Teaming Arrangements, and Dual-Sourcing." 6 Yale Journal on Regulation 249-317 (1989).

"Built to Last? The Antitrust Legacy of the Reagan Administration." 35 Federal Bar News 244-250 (June 1988).

"Federal Regulation of Business: Antitrust and Environmental Law." in Significant Business Decisions of the Supreme Court, 1986-1987 Term 57, edited by Henry M. Butler, William Fischel & William E. Kovacic. Washington, DC: Washington Legal Foundation, 1988.

"Illegal Agreements with Competitors." 57 Antitrust Law Journal 517-541 (1988).

"Illegal Agreements with Competitors." in Tales from Toronto. (Annual Meeting Program, American Bar Association, Section of Public Contract Law, August 1988).

"Public Choice and the Public Interest: Federal Trade Commission Antitrust Enforcement during the Reagan Administration." 33 Antitrust Bulletin 467-504 (1988).

(With Burnett, William B.). "Teaming Arrangements and the Acquisition Process." Defense News 24 (November 27, 1987).

"The Analysis of Mergers in Industries Subject to Rapid Technological Change." in Manual on the Economics of Antitrust Law 7-1. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association, Section on Antitrust Law, Economics Committee, 1987.

"The Emerging Role of Competition in the Weapons Acquisition Process." 1 Antitrust and Trade Regulation Section Report no. 2. (Federal Bar Association, Summer 1987).

(With Miller, James C. III, Thomas F. Walton, and Jeremy A. Rabkin). "Industrial Policy: Reindustrialization through Competition or Coordinated Action?" 2 Yale Journal on Regulation 1-51 (1984).

"Antitrust." in 1 TMGT 340: The Business Government Relationship Reader 173, edited by William M. Wolff, Jr. Lexington, MA: Ginn Custom Publ., 1983

(With Hurwitz, James). "Judicial Analysis of Predation: The Emerging Trends." 35 Vanderbilt Law Review 63-157 (1982).

"The Federal Trade Commission and Congressional Oversight of Antitrust Enforcement." 17 Tulsa Law Journal 587-671 (1982).

Reprinted in Public Choice and Regulation: A View from Inside the Federal Trade Commission 63, edited by Robert Mackay, James C. Miller III, and Bruce Yandle. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1987.

"An Analysis of the Commission's Response to Congressional Oversight of FTC Antitrust Enforcement." in Federal Trade Commission Competition Programs 1969-1980. Washington, DC: U.S. Federal Trade Commission, 1981.

(With Hurwitz, James D., Thomas Sheehan, and Robert H. Lande). "Current Legal Scholarship of Predation." in Strategy, Predation, and Antitrust Analysis 101, edited by Steven C. Salop. Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Economics, Bureau of Competition, 1981.


Review of Robert C. Marshall, Leslie M. Marx, The Economics of Collusion – Cartels and Bidding Rings, MIT Press (2012), 27 Int’l Rev. Econ. & Fin. 637 (2013). (book review).

"The Institutions of Antitrust Law: How Structure Shapes Substance." Review of The Institutional Structure of Antitrust Enforcement, by Daniel A. Crane. 110 Michigan Law Review 1019-1044 (2012).

Book Review of Antitrust Stories, 4 Competition Pol’y Int’l 241 (2008).


(With David A. Hyman.)  Risky Business: Should the FDA Pay Attention to Drug Prices?, Regulation, Winter 2017/2018, at 22, https://object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/serials/files/regulation/2017/12/regulation-v40n4-3.pdf.

(With David A. Hyman.) Regulatory Leveraging:  Problem or Solution?, The CLS Blue Sky Blog (Oct. 13, 2016), http://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2016/10/13/regulatory-leveraging-problem-or-solution/.

Michael J. Reynolds, An Interview with William Kovacic, Former Chair of the US Federal Trade Commission, 9 Competition L. Int’l 11 (2013).

"Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission on the FTC's Regulatory Reform Program: Twenty Years of Systematic Retrospective Rule Reviews & New Prospective Initiatives to Increase Public Participation and Reduce Burdens on Business," U.S. Trade Commission before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, 112th Cong. (2nd Sess., July 7, 2011).

Interview with William E. Kovacic, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission, Antitrust Source, Aug. 2008, at 1.

Interview with William E. Kovacic, General Counsel, Federal Trade Commission, Antitrust Source, Jan. 2004, at 1.

An Interview with William Kovacic, Global Competition Rev., July/Aug. 2003, at 14.

United States v. Microsoft Corp.:  Turn-of-the-Century Turning Point, Geo. Wash. L. Sch. Mag., Aug. 2000, at 26.

Editor, Research in Law and Economics, v.17 (1995) to date. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

"The Competition Conundrum (Antitrust Policies of Presidential Candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore)." 23 American Lawyer 77 (2001).

Consequences of Multiplicity in Competition Policy Reviews of Mergers in the Telecommunications Sector (Testimony of William E. Kovacic before the Federal Communications En Banc Session on Telecommunications Mergers, Washington, D.C. (Dec. 14, 1998)).

The Big, The Bad and the Merged, Wash. Post, Dec. 6, 1998, at C1.

The Guns of September, Corp. Couns. Mag., Aug. 1998, at 89.

"Is Uncle Sam too Easy a Mark? Bid Rigging on Government Contracts." 21 Legal Times no. 24, p. S42 (Nov. 2, 1998).

Recommended Action Plan for Implementing Georgia's Antimonopoly and Consumer Protection Laws. Center for Economic Policy and Reform, Analytical Report No. 9, May 1997.

Analytical Approaches and Institutional Processes for Implementing Competition Policy Reforms by the Federal Trade Commission (testimony of William E. Kovacic before the Federal Trade Commission Hearings on Changing Nature of Competition in a Global & Innovation Driven Age) (Dec. 12, 1995) (with Ernest Gellhorn).

Bryer, Like Ginsburg, Is Pro-Business, San Diego Union-Tribune, May 22, 1994, at G-1.

(With Dunn, Karen Turner and Robert S. Thorpe). Analysis of Competition in Mongolia & Three Case Studies. University of Maryland, IRIS Center Country Report No. 14, 1994.

Antitrust and the Evolution of a Market Economy in Mongolia. Working Paper No. 97. College Park, MD: Center for Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector, 1994.

(With Robert Thorpe.)  Antitrust Law for a Transition Economy, Legal Times, Aug. 2, 1993, at 41.

"Anti-Competitive Forces may Stir Anew." 15 National Law Journal no. 38, p. 19 (May 24, 1993).

"A Knack for Business: Breyer Would Fill a Void on the High Court." 107 Los Angeles Daily Journal no. 11, p. 41 (Aug. 2, 1993).

Bibliography of Recent Academic Scholarship, Pub. Cont. News.
     Winter 1991, at 13.
     Spring 1991, at 12.
     Summer 1991, at 22.
     Fall 1991, at 16.
     Winter 1992, at 14.
     Spring 1992, at 13.
     Summer 1992, at 8.

Illegal Agreements with Competitors, Am. Dahlia Soc’y Bull., Dec. 1989, at 6.

Investigating Private University Price-Fixing, Collegiate Times (1989).

Steady Reliever at Antitrust, Wall St. J., Oct. 10, 1989, at A18.

"The Antitrust Paradox Revisited: Robert Bork and the Transformation of Modern Antitrust Policy. Working Paper Series No. 32. Washington, DC: Washington Legal Foundation, 1989.

The Reagan Judiciary Examined: A Comparison of Antitrust Voting Records of Carter and Reagan Appointees to the Federal Courts of Appeals. Working Paper Series No. 34. Washington, DC: Washington Legal Foundation, 1989.

The Reagan Judiciary Examined: A Comparison of Environmental Law Voting Records of Carter and Reagan Appointees to the Federal Courts of Appeals. Working Paper Series No. 36. Washington, DC: Washington Legal Foundation, 1989.

Legal Ledger – Antitrust Compliance, Direction Mag., Jan.-Apr. 1988.

Permanence and Regulatory Change: The Longevity of Reagan Antitrust and Consumer Protection Policy at the Federal Trade Commission. Working Paper Series No. 29. Washington, DC: Washington Legal Foundation, 1988.

(with Fullerton, Lawrence, et al.). Reliance on FTC Consumer Protection Law Precedents in other Legal Forums. Working Paper No. 1. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law, 1988.

"Armed Services Using Competition Strategy to Reduce Expenses." 10 Legal Times p. 14 (July 13, 1987).

"The Rules of Reason: D.C. Circuit Adopts Judge Bork's Analysis." 9 Legal Times p. 20 (Oct. 6, 1986).