Niklas Bröring

Niklas Bröring

Niklas Bröring

Visiting Scholar in Privacy and Technology Law

Niklas Bröring is a PhD student in the Doctoral Research Group Law at Leuphana Law School in Lüneburg, Germany, and is currently complementing his PhD research with a comparative law analysis as a visiting scholar at GW Law. In Germany, he is the executive director of the LLB program on IT Law and Intellectual Property Law, and lectures at Leibniz University Hanover Institute for Legal Informatics. His research focuses on the impairment of individual autonomy under informa+onal capitalism and examines novel remedies under the European legal system. In par+cular, his work inves+gates the interplay between issues of constrained consent and the impact of online platforms at different stages, analyzed within the framework of the European Digital Services Act.

Niklas’ lectures and seminars are directed at introducing students into the fields of IT and IP Law and touch upon E-Commerce Law, Copyright Law, Trademark Law, Patent Law, and EU Data Protection Law. Prior to his position at Leibniz University Hanover Institute for Legal Informatics, he worked as a junior legal counsel for Trianel GmbH in the claim management department.

He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree in Corporate and Commercial Law from Leuphana Law School Lüneburg (written thesis and oral examination passed with highest distinction) and a Master of Laws degree in European Economic Law from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Throughout his studies, he developed a strong interest in International and European Law, in particular concerning platform regulation, which shaped his current research interests.

In his free time, Niklas is involved in various sport activities, including basketball, scuba diving, and wakeboarding. He also plays drums and guitar.