Yukins, Christopher R.

GW Law Faculty Publications

January 23, 2022

SSRN | Scholarly Commons


(With John Cibinic, Jr., Ralph C. Nash, Jr. & Nathaniel E. Castellano.) Formation of Government Contracts (5th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2023).

(With David Drabkin.) DoD Bid Protests (Acquisition Innovation Research Center, 2022).

(With David Drabkin.) Congressionally Mandated Study on Contractor Debarments for Violations of U.S. Labor Laws (Acquisition Innovation Research Center, 2022). 

Public Procurement in (a) Crisis?: Global Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic (Sue Arrowsmith, Christopher Yukins et al. eds., 2021).

(With Robert Handfield et al.)  National Association of State Procurement Officials, Assessing State PPE Procurement During COVID-19: A Research Report (Mar. 2021), https://www.naspo.org/assessing-state-ppe-procurement-during-covid-19-a-research-report/.

(With Sue Arrowsmith et al.) Public Procurement in (a) Crisis: Global Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021).

(With Gabriella Margherita Racca.)  Joint Public Procurement and Innovation:  Lessons Across Borders (2019).

(With Racca, Gabriella M.) Integrity and Efficiency in Sustainable Public Contracts: Balancing Corruption Concerns in Public Procurement Internationally. Brussels: Bruylant, 2014. 

(With Cibinic, John, and Ralph C. Nash.) Formation of Government Contracts. 4th ed. Washington, DC: The George Washington University, 2011; [Riverwoods, IL: Wolters Kluwer, 20--?]. 

(Contributor) Post-Award Bid Protests at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Chicago: American Bar Association, 1997. 


(With Gabriella M. Racca.) Emergency Procurement and Corruption, in Routledge Handbook on Public Procurement Corruption 76 (Sope Williams & Jessica Tillipman eds., Routledge, 2024).

(With Robert B. Handfield, Andrea S. Patrucco, Zhaohui Wu & Tanner Slaughter.) A New Acquisition Model for the Next Disaster: Overcoming Disaster Federalism Issues Through Effective Utilization of the Strategic National Stockpile, 84 Pub. Admin. Rev. 65 (2024).

(With Marta Andhov.) A Transatlantic Analysis of EU and U.S. Strategies in "Green Procurement," 66 Gov’t Contractor ¶ 60 (2024).

State Aid, Protectionism and Public Procurement: An Uneasy New World Order, 22 Eur. State Aid L.Q. 181 (2023).

(With Daniel E. Schoeni.) US-European Defence Cooperation: Imperatives in a Time of War, 32 Pub. Procurement L. Rev. 445 (2023).

(With Kristen E. Ittig.) OMB Issues Final Build America, Buy America (BABA) Guidance Which May Trigger Compliance, Enforcement And Trade Issues—And Bid Protests, 65 Gov't Contractor ¶ 241 (2023).

(With Caroline Nicholas.) The UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement: Potential Next Steps, in Elgar Companion to UNCITRAL (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023).

(With Michael Bowsher, Pascal Friton, Paul Lalonde & Andrea Sundstrand.) International Procurement Developments in 2022: New Perspectives in Global Procurement, in 2022 Thomson Reuters’ Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs 59 (Thomson Reuters, 2023).

(With Pascal Friton & Max Klasse.) The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: Implications for Public Procurement and Some Collateral Damage, 65 Gov’t Contractor ¶ 63 (2023).

Mandatory Disclosure: How Anti-Corruption Measures Can Affect Competition in Defense Markets, in Ethical Dilemmas in the Global Defense Industry 387 (Daniel Schoeni & Tobias Vestner eds., Oxford University Press, 2023).

(With Steven Kelman.) Overcoming Corruption and War: Lessons from Ukraine’s ProZorro Procur ement System, Cont. Mgmt., July 2022, at 22.

(With Luke R.A. Butler & Michael Bowsher.) No Man is an Island in Defense Procurement: Developments in EU Defense Procurement Regulations, 64 Gov’t Contractor ¶ 332 (2022).

(With Nathaniel Green.) The Inflation Reduction Act: A New Role for Green Procurement? 64 Gov't Contractor ¶ 260 (2022).

El Sistema federal de contratación de los Estados Unidos: una introducción, 27 Revista Digital de Derecho Administrativo 9 (2022).

(With Robert D. Anderson & Philippe Pelletier.) Government Procurement in the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: A Global Beachhead for Market Access and Good Governance, in The Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership: Analysis and Commentary 458 (Jorge A. Huerta-Goldman & David A. Gant eds.; Cambridge University Press, 2022).

Stepping Stones to Reform: Making Agency-Level Bid Protests Effective for Agencies and Bidders by Building on Best Practices from Across the Federal Government, 50 Pub. Cont. L.J. 197 (2021). 

(With Daniel E. Schoeni.)  Common Principles of Public Contracts in the United States of America, IUS Publicum Network Rev. (2021), http://www.ius-publicum.com/repository/uploads/02_11_2021_18_01-D.Schoeni_C.Yukins_IUSPUB_publication_note.pdf.
     Reprinted in Les principes des contrats publics en Europe 97 (Romélien Colavitti, Stéphane de La Rosa & Patricia Valcarcel eds., Bruylant, 2022).

(With John Pachter & Jessica Tillipman.) US Debarment: An Introduction, in The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance 288 (Benjamin van Rooij & D. Daniel Sokol eds., 2021).

(With Abraham Young, et al.)  GSA’s Commercial Marketplace Initiative: Opening Amazon & Other Private Marketplaces to Direct Purchases by Government Users, 20-13 Briefing Papers (Dec. 2020).

(With Luca Rubini.) ‘The EU Gives Foreign Subsidies Its Best Shot’: One Take on White Paper on Levelling the Playing Field as Regards Foreign Subsidies, Int’l Econ. L. & Pol’y Blog (Oct. 2, 2020, 6:22 AM), https://ielp.worldtradelaw.net/2020/10/guest-post-the-eu-gives-foreign-subsidies-its-best-shot-one-take-on-white-paper-on-levelling-the-pla.html.

(With Laurence Folliot Lalliot.) COVID-19: Lessons Learned in Public Procurement. Time for a New Normal?, Concurrences, Sept. 2020, at 46.

(With Robert Handfield et al.)  Emerging from the Pandemic: U.S. Government Poised to Award ‘Commercial Platforms’ Contracts that Will Open Online Marketplaces to Federal Purchasers, 62 Gov’t Contractor ¶ 172 (2020).

United States Procurement and the COVID-19 Pandemic, 29 Pub. Procurement L. Rev. 220 (2020).

(With Kristen Ittig.)  Maximizing Recovery:  Contractor Reimbursement for COVID-19 Paid Leave Under § 3610 of the CARES Act, 62 Gov’t Contractor ¶ 156 (2020).

(With Robert Anderson.)  Feature Comment, Withdrawing the U.S. from the WTO GPA: Assessing Potential Damage to the U.S. and Its Contracting Community, Gov’t Cont., Feb. 12, 2020, at 8.

U.S. Government to Award Billions of Dollars in Contracts to Open Electronic Marketplaces to Government Customers-Though Serious Questions Remain, Gov’t Contractor, Oct. 16, 2019, at 8.

Two US Initiatives on a Collision Course: Trump’s Buy American Order and the New Electronic Marketplaces, 28 Pub. Procurement L. Rev. NA256 (2019).

Administrative Conference of the United States Launches Study of Agency-Level Bid Protests, Gov’t Contractor 1, 3-6 (Aug. 21, 2019).

(With Sope Williams-Elegbe.)  The World Bank’s Procurement Framework:  An Assessment of Aid Effectiveness, in Public Procurement and Aid Effectiveness 277 (Annamaria La Chimia & Peter Trepte eds., 2019).

Forward to Jessica Lynn Wherry & Kristen E. Murray, Scholarly Writing: Ideas, Examples, and Execution, at xiii (3rd ed.; Carolina Academic Press, 2019).

(With Allen B. Green.)  International Trade Agreements in US Procurement Law, in The Contractor’s Guide to International Procurement 148 (Erin Felix & Marquess O. Peterson eds., 2018).

(With Michał Kania.)  Suspension and Debarment in the U.S. Government:  Comparative Lessons for the EU’s Next Steps in Procurement, 2019 UrT 47, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3422499.

A Response to Melissa Copeland’s Call to Action: Addressing Organizational Conflicts of Interest in an Update to the MPC, Procurement Law., Winter 2019, at 16.

The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA): Some Surprising Outcomes in Procurement, Gov’t Contractor 1 (Oct. 10, 2018).

European Commission Proposes Expanding the European Defence Fund – A Major Potential Barrier to Transatlantic Defense Procurement, Gov’t Contractor 1, 3-5 (June 27, 2018).

(With Daniel Ramish.)  Section 809 and “e-Portal” Proposals, By Cutting Bid Protests in Federal Procurement, Could Breach International Agreements and Raise New Risks of Corruption, Gov’t Contractor 1, 3-8 (May 2, 2018).

The U.S. Federal Procurement System: An Introduction, 2017 Upphandlingsrättslig Tidskrift 69, https://www.urt.cc/?q=node/187
    Reprinted as El Sistema federal de contratación de los Estados Unidos: una introducción, 27 Revista Digital De Derecho Administrativo 9 (2022).

US Government Contracting in the Context of Global Public Procurement, in The Internationalization of Government Procurement Regulation 264 (Aris C. Georgopoulos et al. eds., 2017).

Brexit and Procurement: A US Perspective on the Way Ahead, 26 Pub. Procurement L. Rev. 71 (2017).

(With Michael Bowsher.)  Brexit and the Trump Election: Finding a Way Forward for Transnational Procurement: The Year that Changes Almost Everything, 11 European Procurement & Pub. Priv. L. Rev. 258 (2016).

Feature Comment:  Assessing Brexit’s Potential Impact on Procurement, Gov’t  Contractor, June 29, 2016, at 5.

(With Cristiana Fortini, & Mariana Avelar.)  A Comparative View of Debarment and Suspension of Contractors in Brazil and in the USA, 16 A&C - Revista De Direito Administrativo & Constitucional, no. 66, 2016, at 61-83.

International Protection of Free Trade in Procurement Under NAFTA’s Chapter 10 on Public Procurement:  The Pathway from NAFTA to WTO Government Procurement Agreement to a Potential European-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, in Transnational Law of Public Contracts 107 (Mathias Audit & Stephan W. Schill, eds., 2016).

(With Macdonald, James Ruairi.) "Capacity Building in Public Procurement: Burma/Myanmar -- A Case Study," 44 Public Contract Law Journal 749-754 (2015).

(With Schnitzer, Johannes S.) "GPA Accession: Lessons Learned on the Strengths and Weaknesses of the WTO Government Procurement Agreement," 7 Trade, Law and Development 89-119 (2015).

(With Priess, Hans-Joachim.) "Breaking the Impasse in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Negotiations: Rethinking Priorities in Procurement," Government Contractor, July 23, 2014, at 1, 3-7.

(With Racca, Gabriella M.) "Steps for Integrity in Public Contracts," in Integrity and Efficiency in Sustainable Public Contracts: Balancing Corruption Concerns in Public Procurement Internationally, p. 1-10. Ed. by Gabriella M. Racca and Christopher R. Yukins. Brussels: Bruylant, 2014.

"Cross-Debarment: A Stakeholder Analysis," 45 The George Washington International Law Review 219-234 (2013).

"Rethinking the World Bank's Sanctions System,"  Government Contractor, Nov. 13, 2013, at 1, 3-7.

(With Piga, Gustavo.) "Set-Asides for Small and Medium Firms, as in the USA System with the Small Business Act that Reserves Shares of Tenders to SMEs only: Dialogue," in The Applied Law and Economics of Public Procurement. Ed. by Gustavo Piga and Steen Treumer. Rome: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Public Procurement, 2013.

"A Versatile Prism: Assessing Procurement Law Through the Principal-Agent Model," 40 Public Contract Law Journal 63-86 (2010).

(With Goodwin, David P., et al.) "International Procurement," 44 International Lawyer 261-272 (2010).

(With Wallace, Don, and Jeffrey Marburg-Goodman.) "International Procurement." (International Legal Developments in Review: 2008.) 43 International Lawyer 571-575 (2009).

(With Schooner, Steven L.) "Public Procurement: Focus on People, Value for Money and Systemic Integrity, Not Protectionism," The Collapse of Global Trade, Murky Protectionism, and the Crisis: Recommendations for the G20, p. 87-92. Edited by Richard Baldwin and Simon J. Evenett. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2009.
     Available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=1356170.

(With Schooner, Steven L.) "Tempering 'Buy American' in the Recovery Act: Steering Clear of a Trade War," 51 The Government Contractor no. 10, p. 4-10 (March 11, 2009).
     Reprinted in The New Landscape of Government Contracting, p. 49-59. Wayne, PA: Andrews Publications, 2010.

(With Jennings, Regina M.) "The Evolving US Experience with Electronic Public Procurement," in Le controle des marches publics, p. 197-216. Ed. by Gerard Marcou. Paris: IRJS, 2009.

"Are IDIQs Inefficient? Sharing Lessons with the European Framework Contracting," 37 Public Contracts Law Journal 545-568 (2008).

"Editor's Note: A Response to Omer Dekel's 'Legal Theory of Competitive Bidding,'" 37 Public Contracts Law Journal 269-270 (2008).

(With Schooner, Steven.). "Incrementalism: Eroding the Impediments to a Global Public Procurement Market." 38 Georgetown Journal of International Law 529-576 (2007).
     Available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1002446.

"Integrating Integrity and Procurement: The United Nations Convention Against Corruption and the UNCITRAL Model Procurement Law." 36 Public Contract Law Journal 307-329 (2007).

"A Case Study in Comparative Procurement Law: Assessing UNCITRAL's Lessons for U.S. Procurement." 35 Public Contract Law Journal 457-484 (2006).

"Hurricane Katrina Brings Transparency to Task-Order Contracting." Service Contractor 16 (Contract Service Ass'n, Winter 2006).

(With Don Wallace, Jr., Jason Matechak & Jeffrey Marburg-Goodman). "International Procurement." 40 International Lawyer 337-350 (2006).

"Preface." 35 Public Contract Law Journal vii-viii (2006).

"A Pedagogical Perspective on Training the Acquisitions Workforce." 47 The Government Contractor, no. 18, par. 204, p. 6-9 (May 4, 2005).
     Available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=719685.

(With Schooner, Steven L.). "Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2005)." 2005 Thomson/West Government Contracts Year in Review, ch. 9.
     Available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=887355.

"Ethics and Compliance: A Perfect Storm of Scandal." Service Contractor (Contract Services Ass'n, Fall 2005).

"Hurricane Katrina's Tangled Impact on U.S. Procurement." 47 The Government Contractor, par. 387 (Sept. 7, 2005).
     Available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=810764.

"Katrina's Continuing Impact on Procurement--Emergency Procurement Powers in H.R. 3766." 47 The Government Contractor, no. 35, par. 397, p.1-3 (Sept. 21, 2005).
     Available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=811265.

(With Wallace, Don, Jr.). "UNCITRAL Considers Electronic Reverse Auctions, as Comparative Public Procurement Comes of Age in the United States." 2005 Public Procurement Law Review, no. 14, p. 183.
     Draft available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=711847.

(With Wallace, Don, Jr. & Jason P. Matechak). "UNCITRAL Model Procurement Law: Reforming Electronic Procurement, Reverse Auctions, and Framework Agreements." 40 Procurement Lawyer, no. 2 (Winter 2005).
     Draft available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=711401.

"Understanding the Current Wave of Procurement Reform--Devolution of the Contracting Function." 47 The Government Contractor, no. 22, par. 255, p. 8-14 (June 8, 2005).
     Available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=743046.

"Making Federal Information Technology Accessible: A Case Study in Social Policy and Procurement." 33 Public Contract Law Journal 667 (Summer 2004).

"Ethics in Procurement: New Challenges after a Decade of Reform." 38 Procurement Lawyer no. 3, p. 3-5 (Apr. 2003).

(with Khattab, Mohab). "Iraqi Construction Awards Should Not be Immune from Review." 80 Federal Contracts Report no. 18, p. 512-516 (Nov. 18, 2003).

"Emerging Legal Issues in DOD's Shift to E-Business." 43 The Government Contractor, no. 3, pp. 1-8 (Jan. 24, 2001).

"DOD PKI Plan Raises Liability, Relevance Issues." 12 Federal Computer Week, No. 35, pp. 19-21 (Oct. 5, 1998).

"Electronic Commerce: OFPP's Strategic Plan Falls Short in Providing Needed Guidance." Federal Computer Week 19-20 (Mar. 30, 1998).

"FACNET: Has Congress Struck a Mortal Blow?" Washington Technology (Jan. 12, 1998).

(With Kennedy, Laura). "Feature Comment: A Year of Progress: The New Federal Court Bid Protest Jurisdiction." 40 The Government Contractor, no. 4, pp. 3-7 (Jan. 28, 1998).

(With Allen, Rand). "Bid Protests and Contract Dispute Under the FAA's New Procurement System." 26 Public Contract Law Journal 135-155 (1997)

"Minimizing Risk in Federal Electronic Commerce." Federal Acquisition Report (April 1997).

"Supreme Court Protects Government Contractors' First Amendment Rights." 32 The Procurement Lawyer, no. 2, pp. 9-10, 14 (Winter, 1997).

"Analysis of Procurement Reform Measures in FY 1996 Defense Authorization Act." 38 The Government Contractor, no. 6, pp. 3-13 (Feb. 14, 1996).

"Managing Electronic Commerce on the Federal Acquisition Computer Network (FACNET)." 27 National Contract Management Journal, no. 1, pp. 35-49 (1996).


(With David Drabkin.) Congressionally Mandated Study on Contractor Debarments for Violations of U.S. Labor Laws (Acquisition Innovation Research Center, 2022).

International Public Procurement Law: Key Developments 2021 – Part I: Buy American and the Biden Administration, in 2021 Thomson Reuters’ Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs 77 (Thomson Reuters, 2022).

(With Jessica Tillipman.) Trump's Attacks on the Inspectors General: An In-Depth Assessment, Pub. Procurement Int’l (May 20, 2020), https://publicprocurementinternational.com/trump-igs-in-depth-assessment/.

Understanding Biden’s ‘Green’ Federal Procurement Order, Bloomberg Law (Jan. 7, 2022, 4:00 AM), https://news.bloomberglaw.com/class-action/understanding-bidens-green-federal-procurement-order.

International Procurement Law: Key Developments in 2020—Part I: Assessing the Trade Agenda for Government Procurement in the Biden Administration, in 2020 Thomson Reuters’ Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs 77 (2021),  https://ssrn.com/abstract=3801042.

International Procurement Law: Key Developments 2019—Part I: How the Trump Administration May Reshape International Procurement Markets—Defense and Electronic Marketplaces, in 2019 Thomson Reuters’ Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs Int’l 2-1 (2020).

International Procurement Developments in 2018—Part IV: The United States in International Procurement: Understanding a Pause in the Trump Administration’s Protectionism, in 2018 Thomson Reuters’ Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs Int’l 2-25 (2019), https://ssrn.com/abstract=3439736.

(With Andrea Sundstrand & Michael Bowsher.)  International Procurement Developments in 2017—Part I: A Tale of Three Regulatory Regimes--Dynamic, Distracted and Dysfunctional: Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States, in 2017 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs Int’l 2-1 (2018), https://ssrn.com/abstract=3135805.

International Procurement Developments in 2016—Part I: The Trump Administration’s Policy Options in International Procurement, in 2016 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs Int’l 2-1 (2017), https://ssrn.com/abstract=2925953

(With Andrea Sundstrand & Michael Bowsher.)  Tale of Three Regulatory Regimes – Dynamic, Distracted and Dysfunctional: Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States, in 2017 Gov’t Contracts Year in Review Conf. Briefs Int’l 2-1 (2018), https://ssrn.com/abstract=3135805.

(With Hans-Joachim Priess.)  International Procurement Developments in 2015: Structural Reforms to International Procurement Laws (2016), in West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Covering 2015 Conference Briefs, https://ssrn.com/abstract=2684194.

Public Procurement Law: Key International Developments in 2014—Part I: An American Perspective on the New European Public Procurement Directives, in 2014 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Int’l 2-1 (2015).

The New European Procurement Directives: A Critical Perspective—Part I: The European Procurement Directives and the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (T-TIP): Advancing U.S.-European Trade and Cooperation in Procurement, in 2013 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs Int’l 2-1 (2014), https://ssrn.com/abstract=2433219.

Anti-Corruption Internationally: Challenges in Procurement Markets Abroad—Part I: Coordinating Compliance and Procurement Rules in a Shrinking World: The Case for a Transatlantic Dialogue, in 2012 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs Int’l 2-1 (2013).

Crossing Borders in International Procurement: Next Steps—Part I: Opening Procurement Markets Internationally: An Update, and the Road Ahead, in 2011 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Int’l 2-1 (2012), https://ssrn.com/abstract=2031553.

Barriers to International Trade in Procurement After the Economic Crisis Part II: Opening International Procurement Markets: Unfinished Business, in 2010 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs Int’l 2-10 (2011), https://ssrn.com/abstract=1772922.

European Perspectives—Part I, Assessing the New European Defense Procurement Directive, in 2009 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs Int’l 3-1 (2010).

Public Procurement in a World Economic Crisis: Charting the Way Forward, in 2008 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs Int’l 3-1 (2009).

Policy & Legal Frameworks for Opening the Chinese Procurement Markets—Part II, Promises to Keep: Bide Challenges and China’s Accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement, in 2007 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs, Int’l 3-9 (2008), https://ssrn.com/abstract=1136357.

(With Steven L. Schooner.)  Policy and Legal Frameworks for Open Procurement Markets—Part II, in 2006 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs, Int’l 3-11 (2007).

(With Steven L. Schooner.)  Emerging Policy & Practice Issues, in 2005 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs 9-1 (2006), https://ssrn.com/abstract=887355.

(With Folliot-Lalliot, Laurence). "Revision de la Loi Type sur les Marches Publics de la CNUDCI." Contrats Publics, no. 51, p. 36 (Jan. 2006).

(With Steven L. Schooner.)  Emerging Policy and Practice Issues, in 2004 West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference Briefs 9-1 (2005), https://ssrn.com/abstract=663464.

(With Schooner, Steven). "Adding Up Efficiency's Cost." 26 Legal Times no. 43 (Nov. 1, 2004).

(With Schooner, Steven L.). "A Measure of Success." Legal Times 34 (March 17, 2003).

"The Risk of MAS Appeal: Expansion of the Multiple Award Schedules." 20 Legal Times, no. 6, pp. S45-S47 (June 23, 1997).